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,iriay 30, 1950 <br />rL0i'ESl ING Ai:' E'IVIii!'ETIT QI+' ILNINi; 01-MITvtyNCE <br />TC7 THE HC`NOHE,BLL CI2'Y Gi?-CiT,7CTL OF TH;E CrTY :)E, P-hTS: <br />the City Couiicil and the Nonorable A`ayor of the City <br />of Paris have been r<.qu:;sted to a:nend tile Zon :'_n~,- ,rdinance rElative to <br />tiiut ,Draperty loc&i~ed at tne corner :)f.' 5onhari Stryet and Eiuhth Street <br />S. on the Sotzth of Bonharu Street at No. 749, und fronting 120 <br />-feet on Rorihani Street and exten(ling 260 f'est on trie East side of <br />ri7htn ~~treet 5. ;d.: <br />I'rie undersi;:;rled, citizIens of Paris atid omiers of property on <br />6or.ha~i~ Steeet, Ei ;hth Street S. a. arid vicinity 'aithin Lrie nu;aber of <br />feet >isted ap~.~osite their si.;natures f'rorn. trie property above described, <br />uelieved to be owned "oy i,1~s. J. Varner, arid in connection with <br />TMrrich an a,:enar,ent to the Ionin~; :)rd:inanca is sou ;ht, do rjereby- protest <br />tne adoption of any waendi:~ent, sup; lement or chan.;e of tne `Loning <br />urc9inance authorizin~ the use arzd occupancy of' tne property above described <br />arld believeci to oelonF; to J. E. Varner located at No. 749 Bonhan'► <br />~treet as a coixnerc:~al u=sLr_i ct, for ce,:nercia7_ ourposes other t nan as <br />permitted by tiie orninance in a resiclential district and in connection <br />-aith a honie. <br />