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O==?rJz ~HIANcE rro . 1262 <br />A2yT ORD1NANCE r' ,;0VIllI?:G yp:i t~Pvr;-~lr~ T,:.~F-IC J~J, i;ERTA.ITi PORTD7P1S OF <br />'.IOLTSTOh ST:Rr,ET AND r,_:ICi; STRL%.T, rROiiII3ITI11G T~'_~H DPJViI•'G OR Oa'.LIt,!T::P;G <br />OF V111ICi,i_;S TT ;.i:~.rtE;OAI CT'T AS "'~:R~!:ITT'~;D ;.~~i:'IN~ k.'.''T) PiOVIDITTG s PE'T,JAT,TY <br />7OR VI7-L:;TTON Oi, Ti:13 OF;:;1IRANCE. <br />Bi+. IT O~'~).~1I?•`i~ll 3Y T~:,:~, CT,P,- ~~~~T;,.CIi, %ii T._~ CIT_' Oi, P4PIS: <br />1. That a11 ver.icular traffic proceeding on tl-iat nortion oi ,iouston <br />atreet betyveen ttle intersection of ~;,`est ;'oust-on ;;treetw1#$ the :aast bo-undary <br />line o: ihird Street, Nort}awest, and the intersection of i~,ast :Iouston <br />: treet tiiith the VVest -boundary lirie of Second Street., tyortheast., shall ,-)ro- <br />ceed in an .1-asterly direction. <br />2. T:"A all vehicl-aar traffic nroceeding on that nortion oi Price <br />;,treet bet:°reen the intersection of ;.'ast i'rice Street Y12th the ;a'est boundary <br />line of Second ;atrebt, ,'1ortLeast, and the intersECtion of lest Price Street <br />wit'h- the ::~ast boaYidar~- line of lhird Stree'v, i:ortL'West, sihall nroceed in <br />a :'resterl;,T direction. <br />3. Tt s'riall hureafter be unlawrul for any person to drive or opErate <br />any ve:iicle on tilut portion oi ?ouS ton Street between the intersECtion of <br />oiest '`ouston Street vrith the lLast uoundary line of Third vtreet, IjortnY~rest, <br />and the intersection of. _;ast 'rTouston Street with the 7dest bowndary line of <br />Second ;treet, Nort,east, in a westerly direction. <br />4. It sliall liereai ter be unlavuful for any person to drive or o~erate <br />any veliicle on t:iat portion of Price Street between the intersection of East <br />~Irice Street witai the ;,;est boundary line of Second Street, Northeast, and <br />t?ue intersection of ~',est Yrice Street with the East boundary line of Third <br />Streetj Adorthwest, in an Easterl,y direction. <br />5. Ar~y person violating any ~Drovision oi this ordinance sliall upon con- <br />yiction be guilty ojLa misdeMeanor and s:zall be punished by a fine <br />4 0 3. . az.e e-e- 0 <br />6. This ordinance shall become effective ten dairS fT'oii and af'ter its <br />passage. <br />PAS3ED by t'cle Git, C'oiLncil o~ the City of Paris in re~*ular ~eetino at <br />the ~ity t! -11 in said C;it;,r this the llth cay of ebruar;;r, 1952. <br />i TT71';T; <br />~ <br />r '.aJ~- or-Fro 1,31 <br />" . City Clerk <br />