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OrtDIlVtiNCE NU. 1262. <br />AN Gi~Ii~t~IV CE tJN,OVIDING rOtt GiJE-C'ttAY TRKr'F'IC <br />CE;t~.TAIiV YO'rtTIU1~S OF' HOUS I'L1J ST:,~;ET ;ND FtiICr; STR~,ET <br />PRUHIBITING 'I'H!i, Dti.IVIIuG OR Ol:~RA`PING GF VEHICLES THERF(~N <br />i~XCEPT t,a PLWii'iITTi;U hND PROVIDIidG A PENALTY 1T'GN, <br />VIULx`I'I0IJ UF THIS OhDIN'hNCE. <br />aection 5. Any perscn violatinp any provision <br />of this ordinance shall upon conviction be F-uilty of a <br />misdemeanor and shall be punished by a firie of -~3.OQ. <br />No costs shall b e ccllected. <br />SPction b. This ordinance shall become effective <br />ten days from and ai'ter its passage. <br />PASSPED by the City Council of the ~ity of F`aris <br />in regular meeting at the City Hal l in said City this <br />the llth. day of' r'ebruary,1952. <br />John ~4. Jilliams . Jr. <br />Mayor Yro `Pem. <br />A i'TEST : <br />ST J, <br />CO Any person violating <br />%~ny wcryrlaiiori +p! thts ordiriance-sha11 <br />~dm ccruvt~tion be gui2ty o! a mis- . on this da <br />~,,sanor and shali be puri3ehed by a~ Y personally appeared "Z/•«-- ~d 5 S~o? <br />kno No ~ be coi- i on his oath deposes and says that he is theBu 3i i~•,r s s /~i rvr <br />of 7; 8,' This ordinance sha11 i~e- shed in said count <br />e e~teey#ive ten aays from axid atter y: THAT a copy of the within and foregoing cita on <br />Was ~b the •City Council of the such publication being on the following dates:r~ 6- <br />p ~r,g~~yj in, iegular• meeting at, <br />iw131 said City this theaper copy of which is hereto at ed. <br />124$ dai* af -P'ebruary. 1952. <br />d0I?tN W. WIT.LFAAT5. JR ---'4~~ "a <br />(SF. Mayor Pro Tem. r <br />P. 5helton, city C1erk. Sworn to and su scribed before me this /4/-th <br />day of lg~E - <br />Notary Public ' and for Lamar, ounty, Texas <br />