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• • • • <br />ARTICLE IV - GUINEA PI(3S AND RABBITS <br />It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, raising or <br />keeping any guinea pigs or rabbits on any property within the corporate limits <br />of the City of Paris, to keep or harbor any such guinea pigs or rabbits in any <br />pen, coop, lot, or other enclosure, any part of which is located within fifty <br />(50) feet of any inhabited dwelling; provided, that this distance requirement <br />not be applied to the dwelling or residence of the keeper or owner of any such <br />rabbits or guinea pigs. Any such pen, coop, lot or other enclosure, shall and <br />must at all times be kept in a sanitary condition, and the same shall also be <br />kept in such manner as will be reasonably calculated not to be or become <br />offensive to any adjacent property owner, resident, or to the public. <br />