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lw . . _ _ a AIM <br />ORDINANCE N0. 1297 . <br />APJ ORDINANCE GRANTIP•IG TC) FRFD KINICAID, LFtiVIS 0. SEIBERT 414D BOYD KELLEY, DJTNG <br />BUSINESS AS NGRTN STAR TELEVISION SERVICE, AtiD IIiEIR CORPC'R.ATE SUCCESSOR, za <br />rRAP1CHISE TO USc- 1}iE PIJBLIC STREETS AND ALLEYS OF Tl-iE CITY OF PARISy TEXAS FOR <br />THE PURPOSE OF RECEIVITJG, Ala":PLIFYING AND DISTRIT3UTING TEr EVISION SIGNALS, AND <br />FROVIDING FOR ThiE REGULATION OF THE BUSIPIESS, AND PROVIDIPIG FOR PAYMENT FCR TtiE <br />USE OF il-IE STREETS AND 0ONTAINING OTHER 14ATERIAL PROVISIONS AS SET FOR-R3 BFLO;'i. <br />BE IT ORDAINED 3Y THF CITY COUPICIL OF THE CIIY OF PARIS: <br />Section 1. 'I'here is hereby granted to Fred Kincaid, Lewis 0. Seibert and Boyd <br />Kelley, doing business as North Star Television Service, and their corporate <br />successor, hereinafter called grantee, the right, privilege and franchise for a <br />period of twenty-five (25) years from the effective date ofthis ordinance, to <br />construct, maintain and operate in the present and futiare streets, alleys, and <br />public places of the City of Paris, Texas, and its successors, towers, poles, <br />lines, cables, necessary wiring and other apparatus for the purpose of receiv- <br />ing, amplifying and distributing televisinn signals to said City and the in- <br />habitants thereof, it being specificall.y understood and provided that this <br />franchise shall not be transferred, or assigned or sub-let by grantee (except <br />to the corpo.rate successor of the hereinabove named individuals) without the <br />consent of the Governing Body of the City of Faris. <br />Section 2. That poles or towers shall iae so erected as not to interfere un- <br />reasonably with traffic over streets and alleys. The location of all poles, <br />towers, or other obstructions shall be fixed under the supervision of the city <br />of Paris, giving cansideration to the reasonable operation of the same. <br />Section 3. I'hat the service furrished and provided hPreunder to said city and <br />its inhabitants shall be first class in all respects, considering all circum- <br />stances, and shall be subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as gran- <br />tee rnay make from time to time. The qrantee may require reasonable security far <br />the payment of its bills and accounts bv and from those who contract for ser- <br />vices to be rendered under this franchise. <br />Section 4. The City of Paris shall have the right to fix the rates to be <br />charged by the grantee herein by ordinance, after notice to the grantee, and <br />heariny, provided however that the rates so fixec3 sha11 be such as to provide <br />the public with adequate service at a reasonable price,and ta provide the yran- <br />tee with a fair return upon the fair value of the nroperty used or useful in <br />rendering its service to the oublic. Pdothing contained her.ein shall prevent the <br />City of paris and the arantee from reaching an agreement with reference to its <br />rates. In the event an ordinance is passed fixing rates for the grantee, then <br />such rates shall be subject to review from time ta time by the City of Paris on <br />its own motinn or an motion of the grantee. Until the rates of the grantee are <br />fixed by ordinance the qrantee rnay fix fts own rates by filing its rate schedule <br />with the City Clerk of the City of Paris. <br />Section 5. The City of Paris shall have the right to reasonably regulate the <br />business of the grantee in said city by ordinance. <br />Section 6. The grantee will upon request of The City of Paris make reasanable <br />extensions of its facilities as the facts and circumstances warrant. <br />Section 7. The grantee may trim trees upon and overhanging the streets and <br />alleys to the extent reasonably necessary ta prevent the branches from cominy in <br />contact with the wires or of the grantee, under the supervision and di- <br />rection of the City tv]anager of the Citv of Paris. <br />Section B. The grantee will make annu31;.~/ a .full. .report of its operations under <br />this franchise, and its books sha1l at <.'1 vimes be subject to inspectiorr by the <br />officers of the City of Paris. <br />Secdion 9. The grantee sha11 procure and furnish and file with the City Clerk <br />of the City of Paris a policy of insurance coverin9 ,raublic liability and proper- <br />ty damage with the minimum amounts of liability insured thereunder as follows. <br />$10,000.00 for personal injury to any one pe.rson; $20,000.00 for oersanal in- <br />iuries to two or mare persons in any one accident; and $5,000.04 property damage <br />for any one accident. Said insurance policy shall relieve the City of Paris <br />from any liability for any defective poles, towers, lines, wires, cables, or <br />other apparatus for the receiving, amplifyiny, and distributing of saic3 tele- <br />vision signals, and shall rel.ieve the City from any liability for accidents, <br />darnages, or injuries resulting from any neqligence on the part of any of the <br />agents, servants ^..r Esmployees of said grantee. <br />