<br />Admk lw
<br />" Section 10. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance a.s
<br />for any reason held to be illegal, ultra vzres, or unconstitutional, such in-
<br />validity shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordi-
<br />, nance, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are
<br />hereby repealed.
<br />Section 11. 7his ordinance is in al1 things subject to and controlled by the
<br />terms and provisions of ARTIGLE XI of the Charter of the City of Aaris, and
<br />shall in nowise be construed as a violation of said Article, or any provision
<br />thereof.
<br />Section 12. The grantee herein shall pay to the City of Paris the sum of One
<br />Dollar ($1.00), as consideration for the priviiege of using and occupying the
<br />streets, highways, easements, alleys, parks and other public places in the City
<br />of Paris for the period from the effective date of this franchise up to and in-
<br />c.luding the date and time when grantee beyins the collection and receipt of
<br />monthly service charges far the t.ransmission and distribution of television siq -
<br />nals pursuant to this franchise. From and after the beginning of the collection
<br />and receipt of such monthly service charges, grantee shall pay `o the City of
<br />Paris a sum equal to two per cent (21%) of the gross receipts ccllected by it as
<br />and fnr such monthly service charqes for services rendered by said company irnm
<br />its central recei.ving and distribution station to be locaved in or near the
<br />City of Paris to residential and com:nerciaZ users cf said grantee lacated in
<br />said ~;ity for the precec3ing calpndar year, suGh annual a ~s ,,ayments being
<br />due and payabJ.e on the 31st aay c~A December, 1953, and /~ereaf~r, in full pay-
<br />ment for the privilege of usiny and occupying the streets, highways, easement,
<br />al3eys, parks, and other public places in the City cf Paris far such respective
<br />calendar years, whether as rPntal, supervision and inspection charges or other-
<br />wise, and this payment sha11 be in lieu of any other tax nr zncreased rate of
<br />tax or o±her assessmPnts or charges, except ad valorem taxes.
<br />Section 13. This f.ranchise is not exclusive and nothing herein container.i shall
<br />be construed as to prevent the Gity of Paris from granting other like and simi-
<br />la.r rights and privileges to any other person, firm or corporation.
<br />Section 14. ;he ri~~hts hereiry .4ranted shal: cease, determine and be voit.;ed un-
<br />less substantial proyress is being made by ?rantee towards the instal.latinn rDf
<br />its said business t:o be operateci pursuanu #o this franchise within 120 days from
<br />the ef£ective ciate nf this franchise, urles:> the tiTe is ex.tended by the City
<br />Council nf t.he Gity of Faris, ,,rfivicled the _~ran*ee is r,ot stopped by cvndi±iOns
<br />bE;'}'JtlCl l,±S G*':fitTol•
<br />Sect.ion 15. ?bis ordinance and frar.chise sha11 t3ke effect sixty (60; r3ays
<br />after the adc;Nti+~n hereof by t.he City C:o~anci.l vn i±s t!~ir:~ and final. re~adin-.
<br />Ia;iRCDiICEB r'1NB READ C;I. firs'Ll .rearing on ?ure 5, 195" at a re ;u.lur :neet:ir,:i ti f ;;he
<br />Gity GounCil y secand readinq at a regUlar Teetirrg on M"uly 13, 1953; and final
<br />readirig at a regular meeting of the City Cc,urcil cn August ln, 195-~, same beinu
<br />three separate regialar meetinfs cf the City Cou:;cil e:' the r.ity of Paris, the
<br />last being not. lPSS than t.hirty days from *he first.
<br />Pa~-,sec ~~)n t.hird and iinal rea;,in,; this ;.he 10th ~a3y c,f Au_-ust, 1,~53.
<br />~T~~~T: J/ r V . tt, ; ~ Ile :
<br />(;iY.y C1erk.
<br />~
<br />;
<br />