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c. Board Recommendation - the Board recommended the current requirement of <br />general liability insurance be continued. However, the Board took the position <br />that requiring fire or casualty insurance of the tenant to the benefit of the City as <br />a co-insured, should not be a requirement of the lease. The Board further <br />recommended that the City should be responsible for obtaining its own insurance <br />for this particular purpose. Related to this issue is a letter from City Clerk, Mattie <br />Cunningham, detailing her discussion with the City's TML and other insurance <br />carriers on this issue (Exhibit 6). This letter was presented to the Airport <br />Advisory Board at the time this issue was deliberated. <br />The City Council needs to determine how extensive and how much insurance the <br />tenant should be required to obtain as part of the new policy on private hangars. <br />V. Structure of Airport Advisory Board. Exhibit 3 includes as a separate part of the <br />questionnaire information sought from the respective cities regarding whether or not they <br />have an Airport Advisory Board, and if so how that board is constituted. As you will note, <br />most of the Boards have a membership of seven (7) members; however, two boards are <br />eight (8) and nine (9) members respectively, two boards have five (5) members, and two <br />boards have (6) members. <br />The Airport Advisory Board of the City of Paris has varied in its number of inembers. The <br />earliest resolution available in the City Legal Department files indicate that the board <br />membership consisted of a Chairman and six members (seven (7) total) in 1970 (Resolution <br />No. 1354); was reduced to five (5) members by Resolution No. 1538 sometime before <br />1974; was later expanded to six (6) members by Resolution No. 1646 in 1974; was reduced <br />in size to five (5) members by Resolution No. 1722 in December of 1975; and was <br />expanded to its current membership of seven (7) by Resolution No. 89-095 in August of <br />1989. The survey also indicates that some boards have requirements with regard to the <br />members who serve on those boards. In addition, the board members themselves have <br />widely varying background as reflected in Exhibit 3. Some members have had the emphasis <br />on pilots and airport related individuals; some boards have a cross-section of the <br />community; some require residency as a condition of inembership on the board, and one <br />board requires a member of city council. <br />The Paris Airport Advisory Board has recommended that the size ofthe board be expanded <br />to eleven (11) members. <br />It should be noted that one of the concerns expressed as a justification for expanding the <br />board was the need to continue to have a quorum for board meetings. The most recent <br />attendance record for the Airport Advisory Board is included in this agenda information <br />package as Exhibit 7. It is worthy of noting that for the eleven (11) meetings held in <br />calendar year 2001, the board had a quorum for each of those meetings. <br />-7- <br />