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The City Council needs to determine and provide guidance to the staffas to whether or not <br />a resolution should be prepared expanding or changing the size or makeup of the Board <br />VI. Expenditure, revenue, and fee issues. The City Council also directed that further input be <br />received regarding fees charged by the City for T-Hangars located at the airport. Included <br />with the Agenda Information Sheet related to this discussion is an Exhibit 8 on the grant <br />history and monies expended at the airport related to grants; a current revenue and expense <br />statement (Exhibit 9); and a table of 1999/2000 rates and charges for general aviation <br />airports, including the City of Paris, for comparison purposes (Exhibit 10). This material <br />was derived from a publication by the Texas Department of Transportation. Within those <br />categories of rates and charges are rental rates for T-Hangars for comparison purposes. <br />The currents rates charges at Cox Field Municipal Airport for T-Hangars is $49 per month <br />for open hangars (1,344 square feet); $85 per month for closed hangars (1,344 square feet); <br />and $110 per month for closed hangars 1,750 square feet in size and some 1,344 square feet <br />in size. The Airport Advisory Board has recommended that the T-Hangar rentals be <br />increased to $55 for open hangars, $95 for the closed 1,344 square feet, and $110 per <br />month for the larger closed hangars. <br />Based on this information, including the revenues, expenses, comparison table, and <br />recommendation of the Board, the City Council needs to provide guidance to staff as to <br />whether or not the rates for T-Hangars need to be adjusted so that a resolution can be <br />returned increasing those rates. <br />COST: See detailed discussion above regarding fees and expenditures. <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION: See recommendations for action under each issue above. <br />STAFF CONTACT: Thomas E. Haynes, Project Coordinator; and Larry W. Schenk, City Attorney <br />SCHEDULE: Not applicable. <br />COUNCII, MEETING: Discuss and provide guidance to staff members at City Council's August <br />13, 2001, regular Council meeting. Resolutions if necessary to implement changes will be returned <br />in September for certain items and at the October Council meeting for other items. <br />ADDITIONAL MATERIALS: See attached exhibits and other referenced material referred to the <br />text of this Agenda Information Sheet. <br />-8- <br />