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Coinpany will so maintain thern an.d all additional or new works con- <br />structed during the lif'e of this ordinance; if not so equipped, <br />Company will so equip within 90 days af'ter passa~-,e of this ordin- <br />qnce, and tnereafter so maintain. <br />Said Company furt'rier e,.presUly a-rees to defe.i.f its <br />cost anij suit or suits that may be i'iled aL;ainst tne City oi PaLis <br />for ne li~.I;once of' sai(i. Company or any of" its ea:qployees in the main- <br />tenance, erection, use or repair of any of its plants, pole or tiTiire <br />lines or wor<r ao,ie on ar 1-n corinection t_ze_,ewit'ra, oi anzj •,ror•k ae- <br />s cri~ed in L)e ctiorL One to r'o~~r, iYiclusive, oi' t~zis Ordinance, and <br />pa`T an,, ,t,(1? ,:.Ie~_-it t'~iat ma-- i-e .i~_nall,7 r.,,.:aered uinst saic City in <br />any sucl-L sl_rAt or sn:its. <br />Pa ~_luz~e o r reAf'usal t,;) J~V i. ~ ,3 ~:,7r ,,nr.~f ~'ie <br />i'creoin:- provisio_-:s of tiiis section shall constitute ;,oo6 anci s~?f- <br />. . <br />. , „ 1 <br />. <br />.L:3 <br />f~_c~ ent cause o <br />-~.1'tc;r t:Z7_rty davs w,,itten no'uiee 'U'-o Cor.itiany of <br />Gity's int~nUion to T'crieit, ir' cam-cliance i-s st;i11 rei',_:sed. <br />S!,' C l I 0 N 5: <br />Upon t1le expiracian atiza ir-ancnise ,-ranted in tilis ord-l.n- <br />ailce, i,ne 1)1ant o-r plan.ts, as well as tile ;property of sa'c1 Co~.ia)an~~ <br />. , <br />c,l.; yorz L:, s,~~~;E; c~~, 10.anc:.s oi ~:e C;. _;_s, r,ia-Y <br />1GL?U :i :;T't':lE;T' CC711o8?'1Sc7.~_'OI1 t:) SJ,'.(.L v0 u~..i.::"iy~ UUil <br />ir 1a~3o sol1.~1.., ~r~~:~_uat;.o1i, S11 val~~3ation to be arr'~ved <br />at anc: c:ieterra:i.ned irl the sa;Ae rnallner as provided in the charter of <br />the City of Paris for deternlining the valuation of property condemned <br />or taken by tne City far puUlic use, l_:e and become entirely the pro- <br />perty of the City of Paris. In arriving, at such valuation no accov.nt <br />shall be taken of any value arisinE. fror;1 suc?z franc-nise or the ri;rht <br />to use such straets or public .-rounds. <br />SEC'~';.OiVT 6: <br />Tha franc:i-.:irse and ri;_;i1ts ~rani;ed to u'-ie Gompany in this <br />oru.inance shall not be assi-;ned, transferred, sold or conveJred by <br />said Company w3_t_~iout 'zavin,~--,, ~f'irst secured trie conseiat oi the Cit,y <br />to be iven in an ordinance kluly and lej~rally passed by t'rie City <br />Counc i1 oi' tiie GityT oi Paris at a re,,ular oi- called mee Un- of said <br />Council. <br />