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said Combany is authorized to erect along any of the streets or <br />alleys, or other public hiUhways, for the purDose of supporting <br />wires or lamps, or either thereon, and far the purpose of guying <br />or bracing poles, sutiporting electric wires, guard wires, or lamps, <br />or eitner of them. But no poles snall be erected on the public <br />square or any street or hi~shwa7j for nurpose of supporinG wires or <br />~ <br />lamps or for g-uying or bracing poles beyond the curb of any street, <br />square or n.i::;hway or in auch manner as to interfere with the un- <br />interru-Qted vse of a.11 of sarae by the lqeneral public. <br />SECTION 3: <br />For the purpose of ere ctin;,:, extending and maintaining <br />its electric lines said Company shall have the ri,,ht and be per- <br />mitted to di;., up the pavements, parlzing betwreen sidewalks and <br />street curb, streets, alleys or other public hiahways within the <br />City of Paris, after due written notice of such intended work is <br />given to the :;ia3Tor, and said Company shall replace and repair the <br />same and be resDonsible for any and all daniage that may arise <br />tizerefrom to adjoinin:J p roper;,~r, or ov~mers thereof, or f'or personal <br />injury inflicted on any person or mernber of the Eeneral public <br />caused by or resulting from its negligence in the perform::-nce of <br />said tivorl:, and any and all damage that may arise from failure to <br />place the same in as Sood repair as when dug up, and for unreason- <br />able aela;; iri re-olac~ing the sa:ne. All repairing or replacing of <br />said pave.;,erts shall be done in accordance with provisions of City <br />ordinances under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the~ <br />~,:a,~or and City ~n~ineer. <br />SECTIO:V 4: <br />Said Compang ex-oressly agrees, covenants and guarantees <br />to said City of Paris that its present electric light and potiver <br />evorks and its pole atld wire lines, L-_,,uying and bracing wires, as <br />now erected and in use in said_ City uncler previous grants, are <br />equipped and constructed with the most modern safety appliances <br />in -ener l use in this utate I-or the safety ana motection of its <br />er2ployees, the custorn-ers of suid Conlpan,= and all members of the <br />general puA lic in tileir orcG,nary use of anti of the pre:r.ises nar<:ed <br />ir sections one, two and tliree of thia ordinance and that said <br />