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and eac, separate viola'.-iori 5i'iall constitut° asenarate offense, <br />anu each and every clay offanse is cont:Lllued irl cases vUhere <br />the offanse is a continuous one s`_ali coilstitute a diatinct and <br />separate offense. <br />aection 17. Uneozzstitutionalityr Clause. <br />3hould any 3ection, paragraph, 3eiztence, cla?s° or <br />phrase of this ordinance be declared uncoiistitutional or <br />invalid for any reason, tlze r--m;inder of said ordinance shall <br />not be affected thereby and shall reraain i11 fuil force and <br />eifect, and to this end t?:ie rrovisions of this ordinance are <br />declared to be severable." <br />Sectlion 18. Urdinance n~.irriber 1082 and all other ordi- <br />nances an;i parts of ordi<iances i_1 coaflict this ordiriance <br />are hereb-;~ repealed. <br />Fassed by the City Council of tY)e Clty of Paris, Texas, <br />in regular rleeting t;_is tii- 13tr> d<3y of June, 1949. <br />z44 <br />AT'l ~ST: 1:~-Iayor <br />City Clerk <br />