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Section 11. T,"ills milk products from points beyond <br />the limits of routine insDection. <br />11:ilk ans milk r~i oduct: fror:i poi_zts beyond the <br />lif-:.its of routine insY'ectio_a of the (Jity of z-aris, Texas, <br />may not be sold in th. City of L'a--is, Texas, or it:3 police <br />jur?sdiction, unles3 produced and/or oasteurized under <br />rrovisions equi.valent to the requirements of this ardinar_ce ; <br />orovided, tnat the healtil officer shall satisfy r.imself that <br />the healtn officer 'iavinr; Juri:diction ovar the Droductiori <br />and processi 1_; is pror)erly enforcinr; sizcr I~rovi3ions. <br />aection 12. Future :iairies and plants. <br />A11 dairies an'i ilk plants frora -vv'_1ic!; mlillc or <br />ri1111.c produ--ts are sljpplied to the Cit;- of -caria, Texas, <br />which are h2r8aftiE.'r constructe,:l, raconstructed, or <br />extensively altered shall confor:q in their construction to <br />the recuirei;ients of tris ordinance for Grade _a aairy farras <br />_r.roducin7 for consurirtio.,l in the ravv, stat-, or for <br />C_uade A pasteuri zation plants, re,3pec tu_ively; provided, Lhat <br />the reauirersent of a two-room _nilk house shall be v:aivea iln <br />the cas-- of dairies the milK i rom i,~,;hic is to be ~,asteurized. <br />~roperly pre.~>ar-,u plans for all dairies anc: _mil:=. nlants -.vhich <br />are hereagtar co_r!structed, reconstru;t_ed, or ::xtensively <br />alte,_ed :3hall ae sub:nitted to the -'.--altil officer ror approval <br />before v;ork is begun. ?:n the case of iiiilk plants signed <br />approval siliall be obtained fro -~i. tiie health of1'icer and/or <br />the State health depart~,ient. <br />Sectiorl 13. I:otificat-i0.1 of dis::a,zie. <br />::otice shall bc sent to the ~ ealti~ officer <br />irrLiediatelv b1 any .:;roducer or di3tributor of milk or <br />products upon whose dairy far~ti or in v~hose railk plant <br />con-lo-agious, or co=au~-_icable di3ease occurs. <br />3ectiozl 14. T=rocedure %dlen infectiou sus_:~ected. <br />r:iilk <br />any i.nfectious, <br />iVhen suspiciozl arises as to the po:;sibility of <br />transniissio.i of infecti-or_ irora any rerson concerned -,!,itii the <br />hanc:iling of r:lilk or riilk products, the health officer is <br />authorized to reauire any or all of the follovuiri~ measuras : <br />(1) the ir,ediate exclusion of that _persoli frotu ruilk handling, <br />(2) ti:e 11~~aediate exclusion of the MiLk su--.ply concerned <br />from distrioution and use, (3) adequate medical and <br />bac'ueriol`gical e,Lam:ination of the oerson, of' his asJociates, <br />and of 17_is anu- t'iieir body 3i 3char~;es. <br />Section 15. EnforceLlent inter~.retation. <br />This ordinance shall be enPorced by the health <br />oificer in accordance wit!: the inter :ratations thereof cozlatined <br />in the 1939 edition of the United ~t .tes '-ublic _~ealth <br />y of whici,: is on file in the office <br />aervice ?',rilk Code, a cop, <br />of the health officer and the %itjT Sj~~ie~~y, ana as to thiis <br />section is ma,ie a part herof' ; thou,7r ful1y incorporated <br />herein. <br />Section 16. `~~enalty. <br />`7hoover violates any vrovisio.-_ oi this ordinance <br />shall be fined in the sutu of .r_ot less than t~aenty-five <br />( ~;)25 .00 ) dollars, nor _ .ore than two hundracl ( 1~w00 . Gu ) dollars, <br />