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Permit contarlirlAtion. w`~11 vcilicl.,s us--d in the transr`orting <br />of milk or milk products n the Ci.ty of -aris si=a11 oear <br />the name of the holder of the permit uz1{er such vehicle <br />is operated, and the nLUnber of such. permi.t in plain legiole <br />letters ana nu.m:erals, not less tran three inches in height on <br />both sides of saicz vehicles, an: said na~-.e ar._a nuraber shall be <br />in place at all ti^aes vvhen sai) ve'rlicle is being used fctr <br />the transrortGtion of milk or rLilk products. <br />~Durroundin,,s. Thz imnediate aurroundin-s of the <br />Jairy shall be kept in a r_eat, clean col_a.ition. <br />Grade B pasteurized milk. Gra3e paateurized railk <br />is nasteurized mil-'K- va--ich violates the bacterial s~andard for <br />Grade A pasteur'Lzed milk and,lor the provision of lip-cover <br />caps of itern 20p anu./or the rer;uirement that urade A ratv <br />milk be u5ed, but zvhich conlolms ~Ath a11 other rec;uir:;~~arlts <br />for Grade A pasteurized, nas bean ~ade from ra,: of uot <br />lESS than Grade B quaiity, ana has an average b.icterial plate <br />count after pastsurization ana before delivery not exceeding <br />50,000 per cu,)ic eentiiueter, a3 deterniined under sections 1 S <br />and 6. Grade B pasteurized r,ilk shall llot be sold except as <br />provided in section B. <br />Grade CDasteurized milk. Grade j pasteurizcd milk is <br />-oasteurized ~:~ills viriich violates an, of th_- requir6ments ior <br />grade B pasteurized milk. <br />3ection 8. Grades of milk and milk prouuc-I-s ~,..`~ich r:iay <br />'oe sold. <br />Frors and after the date on vvizich this ordinance <br />takes eff,~ct, no ~ailk or !-iilk products shall be sold to the <br />a-rocery <br />final consumer ot to rasturants, soda fountains, g <br />stores, or sirtlilar establisiinents exce?)t Certified- <br />Pasteurized, Grade A Fasteurized and Grade A Raw ; provided, <br />that vjhen any m.ilk distributor fails co qualify zor one of the <br />above grades, the health officer s authorized to revoke his <br />ber_-_it or in lieu thereof to degraue }lis nroduct anu ,,er!Yiit <br />its sale during a tem,.or-rv period no'~. el;ceedin.s; tnirty (30) <br />aays, or in amergencie5 such lon,:~;er period as he may deem <br />necessary. <br />Section 9. E-3unplementary gradin`; arescrived and re- <br />gradinf,- authorized. <br />If ,.at any ti-rne bet~,^ueen thn- ra ;ular announcelae: ts <br />of the r1rades of milic or .:-Alk nroaucLS, a lovver araae shall <br />becom.e justified, in accordance -vTiti-a 3ections 5, 6, and 7, <br />of this ordinance, the health officer s;:a11 inmediatel,y lower <br />the grade of sucli milk or :iilri produc; ts , ar_d shall enforce <br />nto~p-ir labelinR and placarding thereof. <br />r,roducer or aistributor of or irlilk _-iowucts <br />the ;rade oi- whi0h has been 1_,wered uy t'ne healt'-i officer and <br />who is nroperly labeling his milk and;> products, may <br />at any tirae rrake a~-.plicatiori fo,,° 4-1,he re-radin- of his proauct. <br />Upon receipt of a satisfactory applic -:tion, in case <br />the lowered grac.e is the result of an excessive averagre b:.cterial <br />plate count, clirect microscopic count, reduction tirae, or cooling <br />temperature, the 'riealth officer shall take fur•ther saraples of <br />the applicant's output, at a rate not more than two sar.~lr'les per <br />week. The health officer ay regraae the milK or _-.ilk products <br />upward tvvhenever tLe averaz:e of the last four (4) sai;.ple results <br />indicates the nacessary quality, but no'Ll before the lapse of <br />two weaks frora the date of deErading. <br />