bottling, operations, and (b) the washir_g and bactericidal
<br />t7°eatment of containers. Cans of ravJ milk shalFasteurized
<br />u.nloaded directly into the pasteurizin.1, room.
<br />milk or mi11c products shall not be permitted to come in
<br />contact with ec!,uipment v:ith which unpasteurized milk or milk
<br />products have been i;l contact, unless such equipmznt has
<br />first been thorou;,~hly cl~aned and subjected to oactericidal
<br />treatment. '-?oor:'is in which milk, milk products, cleaned utensi]s,
<br />or containers are han:lled or sto-'-°d sj;al1 noc open diryCtly
<br />into ariy stable or livin,,°qu?rters. ~he : steurization rlant
<br />sha11 be used for no other pta.rYoses than the processiliga of
<br />n.ilk and rlilx~ products and the operations incident tsereta,
<br />excent as may be apnroved by tne health officer.
<br />Item 6p. Toilet facilities. Ever.y milk plant shall
<br />be ;-.rovided z:;ith to1_let Tacilities conforming vrit; thv
<br />ordinances of the Oity oF t~aris, Texas. Toilet rooms s-.all
<br />not o-pelz directly into an;:rooi1 in 1,^:i-ic'ri zailk, ._~ilk products,
<br />equipment or containers ar° i1andled or stored the doors of all
<br />toilet rooms shall be self-closin.Z. `roilet roos.os si all be
<br />kept in a clean condition, in ~;ood repair, anA c.ll ventilated.
<br />In case crivies or eartll closets per,Atted and used, they
<br />shall be seoarate from tile buildin;°,, and shall be of a sani -uary
<br />type coizstructed and operated in confor.r.ity Sr~iti! the requireiaents
<br />of Itera lOr of this article. ;;hall be pro~oerly
<br />Item 7p. '~,'ater sunuly. `sne water sup~~ly
<br />located~ ~yo~sti~n~ewhere iteisteasily =~ccessible,ladequate,1
<br />parts o
<br />and of safe, sanii;ary quality.
<br />Item Sp. Han;,-z^.ashin 7 facilities. Convenient hand-
<br />washin.c.r facilitiaa shall be brovided in each or on
<br />each f'loor, includinc-, _iot and cold runnin- water, soap, and
<br />approved sa.-itary toldvels. Tl,e use of a co,=.on towel is prohiDit-
<br />ed.
<br />Item 9p. . A11 pipin~; used i~o conduct
<br />aanitar;~ ~ipin~_
<br />mil'L or rr:illc roducts shall 'sanitary mil' pining' of a
<br />type vahich can be easily cl--aned witlz a brush. Faste-rized
<br />L-lilk and n`ailk -oroducts sY:all be condueted from one piece of
<br />equipraent to anotheY~ onl;;, throu.m.h saizitary milk pining.
<br />Item lOp. Construction and reDair of Containers and
<br />equipr~ent. iill flulti-use containers~and ec?uipment v,itri v,hich
<br />nilk ~_r milk products cone 9_n contact shall be constructed
<br />in such manner as to be ea7ily cleaned and shall be kept in
<br />good r•enair. The manufacture, pac:-lin-;, trans_=tation, and
<br />handlin` of sin?le-service containers an~ contai_ner caps and
<br />covers shall be conducted 41-n a3ani t-ary l-ianner.
<br />Item llp. Disposaj. oi -r;aste. nll viastes shall be
<br />prope.rl3r disposed o~'.
<br />Ite:n 12p. Cleanin~ ana b3ctericidal 'z-reatl~zent of
<br />containers anc. equip:nent. All and ri-rilk -products coiztainers
<br />and equipment, excert sin-;le-service containar,3, shall be
<br />thoroughly, cleaned aPtez each usare. iill containers shall
<br />be subjected to arl approv3d bactericidal :?rocess after each
<br />cleaning and all equipment i=_ediat~ly befere eacri usage.
<br />"tThen e:pty and befoz°e beint returned to a .:roducer by a raill~:
<br />plant, each container sha1I be efsectively cleaned and sub-
<br />jectQd to blact-erici:dc.1 treatment.
<br />Item 13p. Storage of containers and equiAraent. After
<br />bactericidal treat-rle-at all bottles, cans, and other raulti-
<br />use rnilk or mi1K products containers and equipment shall be
<br />stored on _netal raeics in suc'__, raanner as to be _~~ro tac ted f'rom
<br />coritamination.
<br />Item 14p. .iandlin;; of containers and e-cluipj:ient. 3,etween
<br />bactericiJal tre-:~.t_:lent and usa^,e, and durin-; usace, containers
<br />and equipaent shall not be :nandlud or o~erat°d in such Lnanner
<br />as to ;parm~it conta:~iination of the inilk.
<br />