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Item 21r. Yilk stools. hilk 6tools shall be <br />ro.ade of inetal or otrer impervious ~aterials without pactding, <br />and sha11 be kept clean. <br />Item 22r. Reraoval of milk. iach pail of milk <br />shall be removed i=ediately to the milk house or strain- <br />ir:g roo:n. No milk shall be strained in the aairy oarn. <br />Item 23r. Cooling. ufTilk must be cooled im_ediately <br />after corapletion of milking to 50 degrees F. or lass, and <br />maintained at that averaUe temperature, as def ined in <br />section 1 S, until deliver•y. If =ni1k is delivered to a <br />milk plant or receiving station for pasteurization or <br />separation, it must be delivered vvithiL two (2) hours <br />after completion of mi14:07 or cooled to 50 degrees F. <br />or less and rriaintained at that aUeraSe temperature until <br />delivered. <br />Item 24r. BoY,tlin=; and cappinq. !ilk ar?d milk <br />products shall be bottled frorrL a container ~.,;itri an autoyiatic <br />reaaily cleanable valve, .>r by aarls of als apr;rovud bottling <br />j.achine. Bottles shall be capped by machine. The bottler <br />and capper shall ~e cleaned and subjected to baetericidal. <br />treatment before each usage. Caps and cap stoch shall pe <br />purchased in sanitar-,- containers and ri:e~t therein in a clean, <br />dry rlace unt:.l used. <br />Item 25r. Fersonnel, hea1t.h. l'he health officer <br />or a physician authorized by him shall exanine and take a <br />careful _°:.orbidity historv of every yerson connected with a <br />dairy, or about to be employecl,whose 4ork brin~;s him in <br />contact ~;vith the production, handli~l~,, 3tora~;e.` or <br />transportation of r:ilk, milk produc ts, containers or <br />equipment. lf such exar;iila.tion or history suF,lests that sizch <br />;oerson may be a carrier of or infected titiith the organisms <br />of typhoid or r,az°atyphoid fever, or any other communicable <br />disease likely to be transmitted thsouph milk, he shall <br />secure appropriate specimens of body discharges anl cause <br />them to be exarnined in a laboratoryT approved by him or by <br />the :3tate Health authorities i or s uch exa=:lina ti ons , and if <br />the results justify, such person ahall be barred frora such <br />employnent. <br />3uch persons shall furnisil such inlormation, <br />submit to such physical examinations, and sa'omit such <br />laboratory sreciimens as tha health officer may require <br />for the purtiose of deterriining freedom from infection. <br />Item 26r. All vehicles used for tile transportation <br />of milk and cnilk oroducts shall bo so constructed and <br />oneratEd as to r_;tect tneir contents f'rorn the sun and <br />from con.tamination. A11 vehicles uscd for the transportat- <br />ion of milk or milk produc;ts in trleir final delivery <br />containers shall be constructed witr, permanent tops and <br />,r:ith permanent or roll-down dides anct back, provided that <br />apenings of the size necessary to pass tne delivery man <br />may be perinitted in the sides or back for loadin;T and un- <br />leading purposcs. Al1 vehicles srall be kept clean and no <br />substance capable of contaminatinq milk or milk products <br />shall be tiansported Oth milk or milk praducts '.n such <br />manr?er as to nermit contamination. -.11 vehicles used for <br />the distribution of milk and milk products in tre City <br />of_ Faris shall bear the graJe of the rnilk, whether ran or <br />pasteurized as well as the of the holder of the permit <br />under a.hich such vehicle is o_perated, and the number of <br />such permit in plair.', legible letters an::t nunierals, not <br />