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<br />~ a-p a o v v crrraz x~-~x ~rrc ~-crrn-vz .~u ~ i. u-,.-.+~t.T. <br />b <br />~ <br />Sanples of other milk products ma;y be taken and <br />exarnined by the health officer as ot'ten as he deerns <br />necessary. 3arnnles of milk and milk products from stores, <br />caf--s, soda fountains, resturants, an:i other places <br />where inilk or milk products are sold shall be examined as <br />often as tne healtr officer may require. Bacterial <br />plate counts anct direct microscopic counts 5h.a11 b° lr,.ade <br />in conformity -v,aitri the lat°st standard inethods recommended <br />by the Ariierican Public c-ealtYi Association. Lxa:rliriutions <br />may include sucn other cheniical and physical deteruriinations <br />as the health officer may deem necessary for the detection <br />of adulteration, these exarninations to be made in accordance <br />tivith the latest starldard metnods oi' tne :~ruerican r'ublic <br />Health Association and the _Lssociation oi Official <br />_A,gricultura'i Chemist5. :;acterial plate count and cooling <br />te.,,,,i-erature r_,sults si_all be given to the producer or <br />distributor ccncerned as soon as determir_ed. Samples <br />mav be taken b,y the liEal t-~:y officer ac any tirne prior to <br />the final delivery of the miI-k- or milk ~roducts. _~.11 <br />proprietors of stores, cafes, resturants, soda fountains, <br />and other similar places shall furnish the healtiL officer, <br />upon request, the names oi all dis tributors <br />from whoir their _~-ilk and .-.ilk products are oatained. Bio- <br />Assays of the Vitamin D content of Vitamin D milk shall <br />be made l:hen requir:d by the health officer in a <br />laboratory approved b;% hirii ior suc'l exam;_r•_ation. <br />".henener the average bacterial count, the <br />average reduct? on time, or tne average coolin~,; ter:locrature <br />falls be,;°ond the limit for the grade then held, the t,,ealth <br />officer shull ser_d written notice tl:ereof to the nerson <br />coiicerned, and shall ta'Le an addition3l sar:iple, but not <br />before the lapse of three (3) days for deter, a ne~:; <br />averape 'r_ accordanc° ;nction 1~. Violation of th e <br />Crade requirerrent b,y che ne-,,l average or c;,T al,.;r subsequent <br />average durin- the remaincler of tr,_s current gsadirl,; <br />period shall call for imrr~ediate de : radiln,_; or suspen.~ion <br />of the per_!_it, unless the laat itldiviaa<ii result i3 tivith- <br />in th_e arade lirnit. <br />,Dection 7. :,he gradirl,7 ol' milk arici i:iilk produocs. <br />f~t once every six (6) months tho health <br />or'ficer shall annour~ce the grad~s of all milk and _Alk <br />products delivereu by all producers or listributors ana <br />ultimutelST consuaed t:-ithin the City of .1 aris, Texas, or <br />its police jurisdiction. Sai:l grades shall be based upon <br />the followin.°; stai7riards, the arauing of milk products <br /> identical :,itYi the gradin7 of ~~~:.1': exce~:t that t±-.e <br />bacterial standards shall be doubled in the case of cream, <br />and omitted in 'Uhe ,ase of sour creari, anci buttermilk. <br />Vita.rnin D shall be onl,y of" ]Tra3e n pasteurized, <br />certified or arade A raw q_uality. <br />Grade i ravi milk. rraae A ra~v milk is ral;d <br />milk the average bae'erial te count of ::hicia as <br />deII-ermined unde.:- 3'ections 113 and 6 of this o?°dinance, <br />does not exceed 50,000 per cuiaic centi-rrleter, or the <br />avera`e direct mijroscopic count of which does no t <br />exceed 50,000 per cul:: +.c centir~~eter if clumps are counted, <br />or 200,000 per cubic centi.:leter if individual <br />organizriis aro counted, or the averas; r__duction time of <br />