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3ection 4. Labelin= and placarainJ. A11 bottles, <br />cans naciiac ;es an i oth .r c:~ntainer, :nc:losin=_ r,2ilf> or <br />arly milf, product defined in this ordinanca ~~ia11 be plain~y <br />la:.eled or marked -^;ith (1) tl,e na,°-,e of tne contents as <br />-icer in Lh lel'inition:, in thi ~ ordinance 2) th° gz a--Lie <br />of the contents; (3) the ;,or.-1 "pasteurized" only if the <br />cont°nt- have oe--n pasteurized; (4) the wor:i "raw" oiZly <br />if the contents are raw; (5) tre na-me of the producer <br />if the contents are ravv, an~ tre narm~~ of the plant at <br />wrich the eontents were pasteurized, if the contents a~:°e <br />pasteurized ; arl.d (6) ir_ t_"ie; case o-~' i itamin D milk, <br />tr?e desi ;nation t1Vitamin D ":iilk", taa .3our•ce of t}le <br />Vitainin D and the aliount as expressed in ter!rls adopted <br />by the Tin:ted 3tates rharriaconeia. 'ihe lacel or i7lark <br />sha.ll be irl :Lett(,,rs of 3.,~ize, ~ind, ana color aprroved <br />by the -"-ealth Officer and sh•all contain lio marks or <br />vaords zvhich are r:iisl~_-adi.n;~e. full s~-'U- of labels shall <br />be filed v,ith the health officer. <br />Every resturant, cdfe, so,_-kia fountain, or other <br />establi5 rrent serving milh or r1ilK products shall <br />display at all times, in a place sesignated oy the <br />healtii oificer, a no'uice .approved "a,y the healtr of~'icer, <br />stating the loj^:est grade of milk and/or fa:i_lk products <br />served. <br />Section 5. InSpection of Dairy Farrr,s and milk <br />plants for ttie pnttpose of grac-Anr; or re.-,;radinr,. <br />1=.t least once durin eac~~ ^;raair~_; Neriod tl~e <br />health ofi icer shall insuect al-i dairy t arr_r~s and all <br />mil'~ plaYlts ~%-h.ose or milk procucts are intended for <br />consumption ti^:ithin the City of Faris, Texas, or its <br />police jurisdiction. In case the healt}; officer dis- <br />covers the violation of any ite1.1 of janit-ation, he <br />shall me...e a seconci inspection al"ter a lapse of such time <br />as he deems necessary for the Jefect to be rer!:adied, <br />but not before the laDse of three days; and the second <br />inspection. shall be used i_n deter_'::iniri the ~rade of <br />milk and/or milk prouucts. .Yny violation of the sarrie <br />iter,l of thij ordinance on t~;o consecutive inspections <br />shall call ior i_ir:,,_-diate -zn application <br />for a ne.~; -oermit r:iust -ce niad-z in v;ri.tin=7 to the <br />Health Gfficer. <br />One copy of th:; in.spec tion re_.)ort shall be <br />po:-3ted b,y ';he Healt'ri Gfficer in a conauicuoua pl--.,ce <br />upon an izlside wall of one of the _lairy farm or _Iilk <br />plant buildin,-,s, and sai:z inspection report s~_all not <br />be defaced or removed by an,y persor except trie health <br />officer. Another copy of the inspection report snall <br />be filed vuith the records of the healtt"~ c~ey <br />Section 6. Eha.:iriation of _:iilrc and r~,ilk products. <br />Durin~-_, eacr! period, samples of rnilk <br />and crean from each dai'ry farm and each milk plant shall <br />be taken on separate aays and Examined by the r7ealth <br />olzicer, tivhich samples are to ~1e collected on the <br />follo~~,in.=; basia: Fasteurizin~- plants, one sariiple per <br />week; rav, milk distributors, one sarnDle per month; raw <br />mill'. producing dairy f'arms, one saLiple every six vviceks, <br />excepting pel^1.0+',S of derra;1`1e, :,,':cn eat-h Jairy farm <br />havin~, its ; lo,.-ercd (lue co e:,ces_7ive eacterial <br />averaz=,es shall be entitled to an.e ;ieries of re-raae <br />samples each calel-idar year. <br />