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shall have the rif;ht of appeal to the ~it; Council uron pror~~t <br />filin~ oi e,ticen~iotis to the determin~ttiori of the City ~~~~anager, <br />and the Cit:7 Mianager srall ?n 3ucVi. ca,3e file a -~Uritten rePort <br />tivit'1 tri~ "~ity CounCil. <br />(f) Inspectioii fe°s. ~U1 ,;.ilk pa_:teurizin;- plants <br />and rav; milk distributor3 holdin~; pernits and oubject to in- <br />spection provided for in tliis ordiriance s'riall ray the follo,^rine; <br />inspectio?l fees, v;:_ich s.hali be collect:;d by the Cit;yT of T'aris <br />upon the basis of a-svaorn montl-ily re,-~ort to be by tYle <br />perrAiit rolder at the close of business on tt,e last day of each <br />month, Tv,,,~lich rer~ort -e;ill 'je mailed tc the 1.2ealth officer, vv'r:.o <br />s;iall upon recei_ t af sucti re,oort com,pute iri accordance ,,;ith the <br />follovJina; scredule the in:3pection fee to be paia arid prepare in- <br />voices in tri.Y~licate for auci7 faes a1i:z send one of such ii1voiceJ <br />to the 'rlolder and one 'U-o t.I_e ~'.ssessor and Collector of <br />Taxes of the Citv of Faris. Ttiereafter, witliiri ten (10) days <br />fron- the ;ate of t~~e 1-I_nvaice, the perrrLit holder sl:all .pay to the <br />Assessor anci Collector of Taxes of t'rLe "ity of raris, the s~u~.~ <br />f'or ii'.sbection fees for vJYiicIL: i-ie has been biiled by invoice. <br />1. '.--nere t"e -ref_-ijea of 4u1~o milk pa~:teuri_-in:_, <br />plant or the z°etail raw milk ciistriblztindairy aire inspeeted <br />un~ier t}-e C.;rectiori of the~ h°ultJ--: o'_'licer, an inipectioll fee <br />o; forty (40 ) cents per 1,000 -,-;allon3 or rIilk produced or <br />purchased under the nrovisions of this ordinance sY?all be paid <br />by the l:old2r o-li" the ~°.errrit. <br />(a) Provided, that ;:lzere the mil~r, pasteurizir,T <br />plant or t1:e retail I'ati°v distributin- d^iry, the -pramisas <br />of v~-r.ich are inspected ur.,::er th-- directio:_ of the healtn oz'ficer, <br />produces or purC11aJES under the rrovision:3 of this ordinance, <br />1alss t;han a rLo,lthly •avera e oi 1,000 Fallons per day of <br />pasf,eurized ilk or raw miri~ un fee of 3'even and 50/100 <br />Dollars ()7.50) per r:Aonth for the s_nsijectior of t ~a p.~si,eurizir~,? <br />plant, ~nd ~'our ana 50/lOC) Dollars (;,4.50) rer rnonth f'o~the <br />inspection of the rav. milk distributin:_; dairy, shall be ~_aicl <br />by the holder of the ' <br />2. ~very mil'.c nroducer `--o sells cr railk <br />nroducts only to a wholesaler, distz°ibuter or manuiacturer, <br />in the City of iaris, or a,~hose ia di,3tributed in the <br />City of Parys, anu V~nose pre^ises are iils-ec ;ed under tre <br />direction of the :iealth Oft'icer, s':'all pay an annu~,l <br />inspectien fee of 45.00. Such fee s'r-all be raid on or <br />before the lOtl:, aa.v of SanuarST of each year hereafter and shall <br />b= the fee for the cal~ndar year i.n ,rarich sar.e is paid. 1rovide-u, <br />that t: e inspection fee for t1lie re~::aininb :ortioil ;;f the year <br />1949 shall be 42.50 pa_yable on or , before ju=y 10, 1949. <br />3. nns holder ai a p; -,°v1iose nrei~Ases are ins.,Uected <br />in accordance wit_- the ravisions of t'_ii; ordinance, and any <br />am-end::ientz~ tllareto, shall at all tirzes upon rec7uest, make <br />available to the lie-alth officer such books an~A records as ~re <br />necessa7 .y to deterr_' natiorl oi t~.e in3r;ection Fe--s, in the <br />event there is a dis-oute as to the a_o??nt of the fees tc be <br />paid. <br />