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(3) Limit the uses of the Eligible Property consistent with the general purpose of encouraging <br />development or redevelopment of tbe Reinvestinent Zone or Historic District or Historically <br />Designated Property during the period that property tax exemptions are in effect; <br />(4) Provide for recapturing property tax revenue lost if the owner of the Eligible Property fails to <br />make the improvements or repairs as provided by the Agreement; <br />(5) The terms that were agreed upon with the property owner and require the owner to annually <br />certify coinpliance with the terms of the Agreement; <br />(6) Provide the taxing unit the ability to cancel or modify the Agreement at any time should the <br />owner fail to comply with the tenns of the Agreement. <br />(c) At its option, the Ciry may require the inclusion of the following provisions in an Agreeinent: <br />(1) A inap showing existing and proposed iinprovements and uses in the Reinvestment Zone; or <br />(2) Improvements or repairs by the City and the applicants to streets, sidewalks, utility services or <br />facilities associated with the Eligible Property and the approximate costs thereof, except that the <br />Agreement will not provide for lower charges or rates that are made for other services or <br />properties of a similar character; ar <br />(3) The recapture of all or a portion of property tax revenue lost as a result of the Agreement if the <br />owner of the Eligible Property fails to create or retain all or a portion of the number of new jobs <br />provided by the Agreement. If the appraised value of the Eligible Property subject to the <br />Agreeinent does not obtain a value specified in the Agreement, or if the owner fails to meet any <br />other perfonnance criteria provided by the Agreement, and pa}nnent of a penalry or interest, or <br />both on that recaptured property tax revenue; or <br />(4) The foregoing options do not in any way limit the City from including additional criteria <br />pennissible under § 312.205 of the Texas Tax Code, as it may be amended. <br />(d) If a leased Faciliry is granted abateinent, the Agreement must be executed with the City, the lessor and <br />the lessee. <br />(e) To be effective, an Agreement must be approved by the affirmative vote of a majoriry of the members <br />of the City Council at a regularly scheduled meeting of the city Council. <br />( fl At any time before its expiration, an Agreement may be modified by the parties to the Agreement to <br />include other provisions that could bave been included in the original agreement or to delete <br />provisions that are not necessary to the original agreement. The modification must be made by the <br />saine procedure by which the original agreement was approved and executed. The original agreement <br />may not be inodified to extend beyond ten years froin the date of the original agreement. <br />(g) An Agreement may be tenninated by the mutual consent of the parties in the same manner that the <br />Agreement was approved and executed. <br />3 <br />- 63 <br />