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(h) All improveinents, repairs, development and re-development of the Eligible Property must conform to <br />the City's Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Building codes and other applicable ordinances. <br />Section 5. Application and Review Procedures. <br />(a) Application for Tax Abatement: <br />(1) The procedures as hereinafter delineated shall be utilized in the implementation of the tax <br />abatement program for the City of Paris. <br />(2) Tax abatement applicants shall complete and submit an application for economic incentives as <br />prescribed by the Executive Director for the Paris Economic Development Corporation (PEDC). <br />While the specific contents of application inay vary, it is expected that the infonnation requested <br />will include a brief description of the improvement and its economic impact, reveal the precise <br />location of the property, provide a survey and legal description of the project site, provide <br />projected job growth, and provide estimations for the projected capital investinent. <br />(3) Applicants shall complete all information detailed in this document or other material as may be <br />required by the PEDC or City and submit the application and supporting documents to the <br />Executive Director of the Paris Economic Development Corporation, 1625 Bonham Street, Paris, <br />Texas 75460, and to the Paris City Manager, P.O. Box 9037, Paris, Texas 75461-9037. <br />(b) Application Review Steps: <br />(1) All infonnation in the application package detailed above will be reviewed for coinpleteness and <br />accuracy. Additional information may be requested as needed. <br />(2) The application will be distributed to the Board of Directors of the Paris Economic Development <br />Corporation for internal review and comments. Additional infonnation may be requested as <br />needed. <br />(3) Applicant will ineet with Paris Econoinic Development Corporation (PEDC) and the Paris city <br />Manager or his/her designee to discuss details of the application. Additional meetings and <br />proposal presentations inay be scheduled as necessary. <br />(4) The PEDC Board along with the Paris Ciry Manager will consider the application at a regular or <br />called meeting(s) of the board. <br />(5) The findings of the PEDC Board will be forwarded, with all rel3evant materials, to the chief <br />administrative officer of each local taxing entiry. <br />(6) The City Council of the city of Paris may call a public hearing to consider establishment of a tax <br />abatement reinvestment zone. The amount and length of abatement inay vary among tax <br />abatement reinvestment zones approved by the City Council. <br />4 <br />- 64 <br />