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(7) The Paris City Council may hold a public hearing to determine whether the project is feasible and <br />would be of benefit to the land to be included in the zone and to the municipaliry. <br />(8) The Paris City Council may consider adoprion of an ordinance designating the Project area as a <br />tax abatement reinvestment zone. <br />(9) The City Council may consider adoption of a resolution or ordinance approving the tenns and <br />conditions of a contract between the City and the applicant governing the provision of a tax <br />abatement. <br />(10) The governing bodies of Lamar County, Texas and Paris Junior College may consider ratification <br />of and participation in the tax abatement agreement between the ciry of Paris and the applicant. <br />(c) Review Criteria: <br />It is understood that much of the infonnation provided in the application will be, out of necessity, <br />estimates only. The applicant should endeavar to provide the most accurate estimates possible based <br />upon available information. The applicant may be requested by the Paris Economic Development <br />Corporation or City to describe the logics/methodologies to be utilized and to supply supporting <br />documentarion that substantiates the economic feasibility of the overall project and assists in <br />determining the long-term benefit to the City. The applicant, if requested by the PEDC or City, shall <br />provide the following information and estimated projections to the City. <br />(1) Employment Impact <br />The mmmber of new jobs to be created in the City or existing jobs to be retained. <br />(2) Proposed Improvements <br />Identification and description of the kind, number and location of all proposed unprovements to <br />the property, as well as the land area and cost, accompanied by a discussion of the developinent <br />schedule for the proposed improvements that applicant will ask City to provide to serve the <br />proposed project and the estimated cost of these improvements. <br />(3) FiscalImpact <br />The amount of ad valorem taxes and sales tax to be generated by this project. <br />The cost to provide inunicipal services or additional infrastructure to the proposed project. <br />(4) Prior Years Taxes <br />No tax abatement shall be granted for any property unless and until full market value taxes <br />(including rollback taxes) have been paid prior to the execution of the agreement. Exceptions <br />may be granted if it can be demonstrated that significant and sustained valuation increases will be <br />achieved. <br />(5) Project Life <br />The economic life of the project and the improvements must exceed the life of the abatement <br />agreement. <br />5 <br />65 <br />