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'xo City Treasurer. Gily Treasurer. <br /> <br /> S~c. 7- The city secretary shall dra~v and attest all orders <br /> <br />or warrants on the city treasury, and shall keep a book designated <br />as a warrant book,.bound with marginal back, o,a which margin <br /> <br />he shall keep a record of the number, date, amount, payees, name <br />and upon what fund drawn of all warrants he ~nay draw by order <br />of the city council, and before delivering any warrant he shall <br /> <br />~equire fl~e payee to receipt on the stub thereof for the same. <br /> Swc. 8. The city secretary and mayor shall not draw any J~ <br />warrant on the city treasurer until the claim for which said war- <br />rant is asked shall have been duly allowed and ordered paid by <br /> <br />the city council, and all warrants shall be signed bay the mayor and I. <br />counter-signed by the secretary, ~vith the seal of the corporation <br />attached thereto. <br /> <br /> <br /> NUMBER XII. <br /> CITY ~rREASU.RER. <br /> AN ORDINANCE to define the powers and duties of the ctty Treasurer. <br /> <br /> S~cT~o~ ~ There shall be elected by the qualified voters of ,,. <br /> <br />this city a city treasurer, who shall hold his office for two years, <br />and until his successor shall have baen elected and qualified, and <br />before entering npon the duties of his office he shall take and sub- <br />scribe the oath of office prescribed by the Constitution of the State, <br />and shall enter into bond in favor of the city of Paris, in such <br /> <br />amount and in such form and with sufficient security, to be ap- <br /> <br />proved by the city council conditioned fei' thc faithful discharge of <br /> S~c. 2. Thc city treasurer shall receive and securely keep <br />all monies belonging to the city and give receipt therefor, and <br />shall disburse the same only upon warrants of the mayor, counter- <br /> <br />signed by the city secretary, and bearing tile seal of the corpora- <br />tion. The treasurer shall pay no order unless the same shall shov. seeding, <br />upon its face that the city council has directed its issuance, and fo <br /> S~c. 8. The city treasurer shall keep <br /> what purpos& <br /> Sac. 3' The city treasurer shall keep in a suit,rble boi~kiand convenient place in the city'; he shall ke <br /> <br /> <br />