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Gily Secretary. 9 <br /> <br /> NUMBER <br />. CITY SECI~ETARY. <br />. ~N ORDINANCE to define the duties )f tl:e Cit3 Secretary. <br /> <br /> SEeming; x. There shall be a city secretary elected by the <br /> qualified electors of this city, who shail hold his office two years, <br /> until t'fis successor shall have been elected and qualified, and <br /> before entering upou the duties of his o~icc shall'qua'!ify by taking <br /> the oath prescribed by the Constitution of this State. <br /> S~c. z. The city secretary shall attend all meetings of the <br /> city council, and shall keep a correct journal of its proceedings in <br /> a book to be provided for that purpose, and shall perform such <br /> other duties duriug the meeting of the councik as pertah~s to his <br /> office. <br /> SEC. 3' The city secretary shall record all ordinances <br /> resolutions adopted by the city council, in a book provident for th::t <br /> purpose, and shall attest therein xvith his official s{gnature, the <br /> date of the passage and approval of the same. and when published <br /> shall procure and append theretz the affidavit of the publishei', <br /> showiug the time aud manner in which the same was published. <br /> Sst. 4' The city secretary shall have the custody of <br /> books and papers belonging to the city council, and it shall be his <br /> to keel) thc same iu some secure place, and accessible at all <br /> tilnes. <br /> SEc. 5' The city secretary shall be the general accountant <br />. of the city, and shall keep in a book provided for that purpose. <br /> regular accounts of all receipts and disbursements for the ditv and <br /> <br /> peparately, nndcr proper heads, each cause of receipt and <br /> .bursement, also accotmts of each person, inclnding officers, who <br /> has money trausadtions with the city, crediting amounts allowed <br /> by proper 'authority, aud specifying thc particular transaction to <br /> which such entries apply. <br /> SEc. 6. The city secretary shall attest and kcepa rcgistbr of <br /> all bonds, bills or (')t~;~'r instrumenrs; of I~kc nature issned by the <br /> ~ city, and shall also -.cop a register of all evidences of debts due <br /> ,able to thc city, noting lilt particulars thereof as they <br /> <br /> <br />