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<br /> <br />-" <br /> <br />books open to the irispectio. <br />. è<;mrici} 01' ötheroffifers' of the city. He shall make,1l <br />annÜ'al sêttleri1e~t with .the city cquncil for the year ending th8-3'I <br />. ,dàýofMárcþ.öf:each year, and- assoOl{ ther'eafter a& practicabl~ <br />, fi.11{;l the'watI;anrs legally paid by' him shall be his vouchers for .~ <br />di,s~'úrseìnents~ , ' <br />\ SEC. 9' The city com!cil m~y require new or additiona <br />bonds'of the city treasurer when, they .deem it necessary, and ( <br />shall receive'such fees and commissions as maybe prescribedh' <br />the. city counèil. <br /> <br />,NUMBER XIII. <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE pro"idin'g' fer ,the punIshment of esc"ped city convicts for the em <br />, ploym,ett óf city convicts"and defining ciiy convicts. ' , <br /> <br />SECTION 1. Any person convicted of, any offense in th: <br /> <br />maYÐf's'<;>r recorder's court for violation of .any city law or ordi <br /> <br />, nance, and who shall be cot!1mitted 'to the city prison (calaboose <br /> <br />in defa,).llt of the payrnent of the fine and cost adjudged agains <br /> <br />him, her or them" shall be deemed a city convict, and shall be re <br /> <br />quire~ to discharge such fine and cost by manual labor in an <br /> <br />named labor, work house or houses of correction belonging t? th <br /> <br />city? or on the public streets, o,r other public works of the city 0 <br />Paris. ~'. DISCH, <br /> <br />I SEC. 2. That in case any convict shall escape before dis "N ORDI;NANCE to regulate tho u;e <br />of Paris, <br />, charging the fine and cost, by his or her .labor, as provided -in see ' <br />. f h' d' 1 b d h ' SECTION I. It shall be <br />tlOn one 0 t IS or mance, anc e re-arreste , suc person s . <br />. d d 1 11 b d. ygun pistol or fire arms <br />escapmg an so capture s 1a e eemed gUIlty of an offense, an '.' ' , <br />.. h f b' f h ùblic square street or aIle1 <br />upon convIctIOn t ereo e are t e mayor's or recorder's court ',' ., " <br /> <br />shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, <br />1 th d bl th 't f th fi d. h.' 1 ~ ' SEC. 2. It shall be unl <br />ess an ou e e amoun 0 e ne assesse agamst 1m, let' ' <br />! or them in the first case, together with all costs of suit and re-cap,'; n,'pistol, fire-an1)s of any <br />d 11 d d. h . " of this city Provided this <br />ture, an compe e to ISC . arge the same III manual labor as ".' , <br />'~ch~r,ging fire-arms broug <br />