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Discharffinff Arms. <br />a manuer as will clearly show the financial , <br />rhich books shall be open to tile inspectiol rovided <br />her o~cers' of tile city. lie shall make onvict after a second conviction, shall faithfully comply with and <br />the city cQuncil for the 3, ear ending the 3is ~erform the judgment of the court, tie shall be entitled to a reduc- <br /> ion of. t~venty-five per cent. upou }ils second flue so imposed. <br />~a[, an& as soon thereafter as. practicable <br /> SF_C. 3' For mannal hlbor performed tinder this ordiuance <br />, paid by hhn shall be his vouchers for al <br /> 'ante shall be made and applied as a credit oil the fine and <br /> <br />· council may require new or addil osts adjudged against lhe person as Every common <br /> (borer shall be alloxved one dollar per day, every mechanic while <br />trer ,&hen they 'deem it necessary~ and he <br />~nd commissions as may be prescribed b ms employed at ally work requiring mechanical skill shall be <br /> llowed txvo dollars per day, ami no convict shall be required to <br /> fork at uureasonable hours, or for a louger time during one (lay <br /> lan other laborers (doing the same kind of work) are accustomed <br /> do. <br />NUMBER XIII. Sgc. 4' Should any city convict refuse to work as provided <br />CITY CONVICTS. sectious one and two and three of this ordinanre, such convict <br />af the pumshment of escaped city convicts, for the err O refusing to work shall be kept in close confinement in the city <br />d defining ci~.y con~icts. )rlson (calaboose) aud fed on bread aud water until they cousent <br />persou convicted of any offense itl th( o work. or until the expiration of their terin of imprisonment. <br />tort for violation of auy city law or ordi. SEc. 5' The city council re. ay appoint gnards or overseers <br />. committed 'to tile city prison (calaboose o superintend the work and safe keeping of city couvicts, or may <br />nt of the fine and cost adjudged againsi tetail a policeman for that special duty. <br />be deemed a city convict, and shall be re- <br />h fine aud cost by manual labor in <br />;e or houses of correction belonv'iuv to th8 <br /> · . ~ ~ NI1MBER XIV. <br />·eets, or other pubhc works of the city of <br /> DISCItARGING ARMS. <br /> <br />,'ase ally convict shall escape before dis. kN ORDINANCE to regulate the u~e of fire-arms within the corporatc limits ofthecit3' of Paris, <br />st, by bis or her labor, a5 provided itl sec- <br /> S~cxtox ~. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge <br />ace, and be re-arrested, such person so <br />d shall be deemed guilty of an offense, and ~ny gun, pistol, or fire arms of any description, on or across any <br />before the mayor's or recorder's court. ~ublic square, street or alley within the corporate limits of this <br />~ not exceeding one hundred dollars, nor ity. <br /> <br />)u~lt of the fi ~ , ..... ] S~c. z. It shall be unlawful roi' any person to discharge any <br /> · lie as,.,esseo aa'alust i~lllTl, her <br /> <br /> 'o e*h 1 i't " ' ~ '~ ' ,[un, pistol, fire-arms of ally description within the corporate lim- <br /> t g ~ e' w t 1 au costs oz sm( ano re-cap- ,! ' <br /> _, , ...... ~ of this city, provided this section shall not apply to gunsmiths <br /> ulscnarge the same in mauum m~or as <br /> ~ "ischarging fire-arms brought to them roi' repairs or to training <br /> <br /> <br />