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x4 Drunkenness. Drunkenness in <br /> <br />guns or pistols of their own make when donq with the permissim . NUMBER <br />and at a place approved of by the mm'shal, and provided that thi. ~)nVN~:NNES~ <br />section shall not apply to parties shooting in galleries licensed b, <br /> ~ )INANCE to define and punisP, drun <br />the city. <br /> 2TION x. Anv officer of - <br /> SEc.. 3' It shall be unlawful for any person to di.~charge au <br /> gun. pistol, or fire-arms of any description whatever, within while holding any office of <br />corporate limits of this city, as an alarm at any fire or at the di.g use be fined in any sum not les <br />' [$fty dollars; upon a second convi, <br />covery or during the progress of any fire. <br /> SEc. 4' Any person violating any of the provisious of thi: he shall be fined not les <br /> ordinance shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. <br /> SEc, ~. Drunkenness. as u <br /> dollars. ' ,derate use of any spirituous, ~ <br /> as to incapacitate an office <br /> his office, either temporarily o~ <br /> NUMBER XVI. SEc. 3' It shall be the duty <br /> DB, U.NKENNES$. ' offenses arising under the p~ <br /> ~ld the city attorney fail or re <br /> AN ORDINAN. CE to define and tmnlsh ~lrunkenness and dlsorder[y conduct. <br /> ion of the provisions of th! <br /> SECTION ~. Any person who shall get drunk or be fonnd <br /> a state of intoxication in any public place within the limits of or upon information from <br /> city, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor~ and on y fine in any sum not <br /> dollars. <br /> before the mayor's court, shall be fined not more than one <br /> dred dollars for each and every offense. <br /> S~c. 2. Any porson who shall be found drunk~ or in a <br /> of intoxication at any place within the corporate litnits of this NUMBI~ <br /> outside of his own premises, shall be deemed guilty of a mis& m', <br /> meanor, and on couviction before the mayor's court, he shall ORDINANCE toregulate the sate of i <br /> fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. S~CTION ~. It shall be un] <br /> SEc. 3. Any person who shall, in any improper or sell any fresh fish anywhere v <br /> manner, disturb any private family, or an2~ person while o~ Paris (except in the se~ <br /> upon the streets, sidewalks, avenues, alleys or in any public first paying to the city n <br /> or any person or firm at his or their place of business, or whi'. the privilege', and any <br /> engaged at his or their business, shall on conviction before :ion thereof before the <br /> mayor's court, be fined in any sum not exceeding one any sum not exceed <br /> dollars. <br /> <br /> <br />