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uit~enness. <br /> Drun/~enncss in z3 <br />~nake when donq with the permissio~ . NUMBER XVIII. <br />y the marshal, and provided that thi <br /> DRUN~CENNESS ~N O~'mCE. <br />:ties shooting in gallerie~ licensed b <br /> to deiine and punisP, drunkenness i.n office. <br /> <br />lwful for any person to discharge 2TION x. Any officer of the city of Paris who shall get <br />my description whatever, within ~k while holding any office of said city, shall for the first of- <br />ts an alarm at any fire or at the ense be fined in any sum not less than five and not more than <br />~ Of any fire. :t~tv dollars; upon a second conviction for the same offense (drunk- <br />)fating any of the provisions of thi: hness) he shall be fined not less than fifty nor more than one <br />my sum not exceeding one hundred andred dollars. <br /> , SEc. 2. Drunkenness, as used in this ordinance, is the im- <br /> ~aoderate use of any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors to such an <br /> ; <br /> ~xtent as to incapacitate an officer from the discharge of the duties <br /> >f his office, either temporarily or permanently. <br />[BER XVL SEc. 3. It shall be the duty of the city attorney to prosecute <br />[mcE~l~zss. 11 offenses arising under the provisions of this ordinance, and <br />h/{runkenness and disorderIy conduct. ~hould the city attorney fail or refuse or neglect to prosecute any <br />i Who shall get drunk or be found i 'iolation of the provisions of this ordinance, on his own knowI- <br />public place Within the limits of th dge, or upon information from some credible person, he shall be <br />>f a misdemeanor, and on convictio mnished by fine in any sum not less than fifty nor more than one <br />ti! be fined not more than one hut Undred dollars. <br />ry offense. <br />~o shall be found drunk~ or in a sta <br />ithin the corporate limits of this cit, NUMBER XIX. <br />shall be deemed guilty of a mist ~su. <br />~fore the m,'tyor's court, he shall 1~ ,N ORDINANCE to regulate the sale of fresh fish within the city of Pads. <br />g one hundred dollars. SaCTmN I. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons <br />'ho shall, in any improper or rud :o selt any fresh fish anywhere within the corporate limits of the <br />!amily, or anz person while passin :ity of Paris (except in the several ~narket houses of the city) <br />~'enues. alleys or in any public place without first paying to the city marshal one dollar per day in ad- <br />~r their place of business, or the privilege', and any person violating this ordinance, <br />ess, shall on conviction before thereof before the mayor's or recotxter's court shall <br />y sum not exceeding one in any sum not exceeding five dollars for each day so <br /> <br /> <br />