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'i~; .... ]?ire Z frails. 'Fire <br /> <br /> ~ NUMBER XX. cification of the <br />'::" FIRE LImTS. and designating the lot <br /> aim obtain a written perm <br />' ' , ~ AN ORDINANCI~ c~eating a fir~ linnt and regulatiug the erection and removal ~O erect or work on the 'sam <br /> ings, the storing of combustible materials ann fluids, and generally protecting thee <br /> against/ire. ~i,.~S~c. 6. It shall be unla~ <br /> S~:cTio~ t. All that portion of the city of Paris embrac unless such building sk <br /> within the following limits shall be kuown as and shall constltt eighteen inches thi <br /> the fire limits of the city of Paris: Beginning at a poiut t its lowest point, extendi: <br /> Church street,- 2~6 feet south of Kaufmafi street, thence north.....S~.c.. 7' It shall be unlaw <br /> with Church street to Price street, thence west with Price street y~ within the fire limits, any s~ <br /> Mill street, thence south wi~h Mill street to a point z~6 feet sou{~'' tiOarer than twenty inches t <br /> of Kaufman street, thence east to place of begimfing. .~0cl is protected by brick, stol <br /> S~c. 2. I~ shall be unlawful for any persou, persons, fir~i for any person to use a sro <br /> association or corporation of persons to construct, build or ere~0W, wooden wall, ceiling or <br /> any %uilding or addition thereto, unless the outer wall or walls a~c,hed at least three inches all <br /> made of brick, stone or solid iron, uot less than I-4 of an inch t'.~he~wood protected by brick, s <br /> thickuess, upon any lot or lots lying within the fire limits, and~liii..~,.y stove-pipe running througk <br /> shall be nnlawful to put any roof of combustible material on a~¢}i~P'short of three feet above t <br /> character of building. Ii~', '~ S~c. 8. It shall be unlav <br /> S~c. 3' It shall be unlawfu! for any person' or persons ~;~h'r0w within the fire limits, <br /> remove any ~vooden building 6r other buildiug of izombustible m~(candles,, rockets, turpentine ba <br /> terial, or any buildiug coustructed- or erected in violation of Se~!!'pgrt or anvil, unless upon proc <br /> 2 of Ordiuance No. XX, of the revised ordinances of the city c~?[h~ time and place, provided <br /> Paris. from one point to another point in the fire limits, or to r~7'longer time than twenty-four <br /> move any of the above described buildings from ~vithout the fir{Iii' S~c. 9' It shall unlawful <br /> lnmts~nlo ~he fi~; !/torts .... ~ any ~;~ebr~ltd~ongb~rt~i: <br /> SEc 4 It shall be unlawful for m~y person o; persons to re~i Ofp id, <br /> pair auy wooden building situated ~vithiu the fire limits, whei~ flhids (and such burning flu · <br /> sttch rep:tits shall cost more thau 25 per cent. of the vahte of ti.':' i? standard of z xo deg.,) fifty, ga <br /> bnilding, and all buildings so repaired shall be covered with met ;;finer-or other liquid of like c <br /> provided this shall not apply to houses damaged by unavoidab~/.proof vault autho~;ized by the <br /> accident, ~vhbn the damages do not exceed 5° per cent. f £til for any person to sell or <br /> S}~c. 5' It shall .be unlawfnl for auy person or persons ~ burning or lighting fluid, exc{ <br /> /~',expoae any gun-powder by <br /> construct, erect, build or repmr any building whatever, within tl~. candies, lamp, match or any <br /> fire limits of the city, 'unless such person or persons first file . <br /> written application with the city secretary, together with a d{iz/ Ssc. xo. Any structure <br /> <br /> <br />