]~ire L i~it.~'. Fire Limits. t 7
<br />
<br /> NUMBER XX. :ription and specification of the building to be constructed or re-
<br /> I~'~ ,',f-xnTs. ~aired, and designating the lot or lots that are to be used. and
<br /> hall also obtain a written permit from the mayor before proceed-
<br /> l,eating' :t fire limit
<br /> f comb,~stibh~ mater/Ms :t~,,~ l!t,idq, and ~,~vne~at;y mC)leering t~t' ti: ~ing to erect or work on the same.
<br /> SEc. 6. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect any
<br /> _All that portiou of rl',c city of PreSs embrac~ ibuilding unless such building shall have a solid stone, iron or brick
<br /> ring limits shall be known ;~s v:nd shMi constitu parapet wall eighteen inches thick, and thirty inches high from the
<br /> [ the city of Pm-is: .P, eg'hming- ;M, tt point roof at its lowest point, extending all around the building.
<br /> ,,~6 feet south of Kaufm:t~'~ ,';trt'el, thence nor . S~c. 7' It shall be unlawful for any person to put up and
<br /> set to Price street, thence west with ['rice street use within the fire limits, any stove, furnace or range which shall
<br /> ~'~"~kuth wi{la IX'fill street to a p,;int zr6 feet sotll be nearer than twenty inches to wood work. except where such
<br /> ,,4ethence east to place of beg'im~in~,,C wood is protected by brick, stone or metal and it shall be unlaw-
<br /> ' shall be unlawful for troy person, persons, firm! ful for any person to use a stove-pipe running through any win-.
<br /> )rportttlon of persons tv) constrc, ct, I.mild or erec dow, wooden wall, ceiling or roof, unless such pipe shall be de-
<br /> addition thereto, tmles,s the outer w~dl or walls ar~ tached at least three inches all around from any wood work. and
<br /> ;tone or solid iron, not less th:m ~"4 t;f :m inch the wood protected by brick, stone or metal, nor shall the top of
<br /> 'any lot or lots l'fin~, within the fire limits, atsd any stove-pipe running through a roof of wood iu ~vhole or in part,
<br /> il th~ut any roof of coml, ustlble mater al on ar stop short of three feet above the comb of the roof.
<br /> lding.. . SEc. 8. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge or
<br /> :'shall be tmlt~vvfu~ for any persm~ or persons throw within the fire limits, any torpedo, fire crackers, roman
<br /> >den building Yr other buildln,g of i;oml,astible m candles,, rockets, turpentine balls or other fire works, or any can-
<br /> filding constructed- or erected in viol:trion of Se~ non or anvil, unless upon proclamation of the mayor, designating
<br /> No. XX, of the revised ordinances of the city the time and place, provided that the mayor shall not grant a
<br /> point to another point in the tire limits, or to r.¢ longer time than twenty-four hours.
<br /> '. above described buildings from ~vithout the fin S~c. 9' It shall unlawful for an5- person to keep or store in
<br /> re limits. I' any one building in the fire limits, more than twenty-five pounds
<br />shall be unlawful for a.ny person or persons to r{! of powder, two barrels of Kerosene (or coal) oil or other burning
<br />n building situated withh~ the lire limits: wher~ fluids (and such burning fluids shall be not less thanUnited States
<br />11 cost more than 25 per cent. of thc value of the[ standard of rte deg.,) fifty, gallons of vitriol, aqua fortis,'turpen-
<br />1 buildings so repah'ed shall be covered with p~etal~l tine~ or other liquid of like combustible nature, nnless in a fire-
<br />all not apply to houses damaged by unnvoidabl~ proof vault authorized by the city council, and it shall be unlaw-
<br />the damages do not exceed 50 per cent. ful for any person to sell or otherwise dl,spose of or expose any
<br />: shall be unlawful for any person or persons burning or lighting fluid, except by the sealed can, or to sell or
<br />, build or repair any building whatever
<br />~)city, unless such person or persons first file candles, lamp, match oi' any other.
<br />5on with the dry secretary, together with a d~ SEc. ~o. Any structure built, roofed or repaired~ contrary to
<br />
<br />
<br />