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Gallantln~ Prostitules. <br /> (,., ' the provisions of this ordinance is hereby declared a nuisance, ani <br /> it shall be the duty of the marshal upon order of the mayor to im <br /> ,~ mediately abate it. AN ORDINANCE to define and puni: <br /> _~ SEC. XX. Any person violating any of the provisions of sec SECTION X. If any per'. <br /> tions x, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, shall be fined not less than ten nor more[ <br /> ~' ' than one hundred dollars for each offense; each day any person[ at any house for retailing sp <br /> i !. shall permit any such building, roof or repairs to remain, shal]~ inn, or any other public hou <br /> ~ constitute a separate offense. I publiCfined notPlace'less orthanin ten,any OUtnor <br /> SEc. t2. Any person violating any of the provisions of sec-! SEC. 2. All houses co <br /> ,~.,..~' tlons 7, 8 and 9 of this ordinance, shall be fined not more than lng houses are included witt <br /> one hundred dollars, tlon; any room attached to <br /> Sv.c. [3' It shall be unlawful for any person to erect any for gaming is also included <br /> ~ steam mill, shop or factory, or machinery of any kind, run or pro- section; any room attached <br /> ~~ pelled by steam within the fire limits, as fixed by this ordinance, used for gaming is also incl <br /> f ' and any person violating this section shall be deemed guilty of a or open, a private room of <br /> ~'~ misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof before the mayor, shall lng of public places unless <br /> be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five nor more than one lng, nor is a private busim <br /> hundred dollars, and each day any person shall run or operate any. construed as within the me: <br /> i~ such mill, shop or factory, or machin'ery, shall be deemed a sep-I vided, said private resider <br /> ~t~ ~ arate offense. <br /> ~'~' i spirituous liquors. <br /> ~ ? i SEc. 3' In prosecutir <br /> icl~''~ ~ NUMBER XXI. i shall not be necessary fort <br /> ~(5~ ~/ GALLANTING PROSTITUTES. ticle of value or the repres, <br /> AN ORDINANCE to/prohibit the gallanting, promenading or associating with common <br /> '~: prostitutes, and to prohibit the wea~ing of disguise, etc. the offense is complete wit <br /> SEc. 4' If any pers <br />. .... ~ SECTIOn; ~. It shall be unlawful for any male person to gal- <br />', /l'~nt, promenade, or associate with any common prostitute on the table, or bank, or pigeon-t <br /> .! / streets, sidewalks, avenues, alleys or any other public place within alley, such as are mentiom <br /> . I --" the corporate limits of the city of Paris, and on conviction before Penal Code of the State <br /> / the mayor's court, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty- money or other thing of <br /> / five dollars, ticles 358, 359 and 36o of <br />'"~' '" SEc. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to be found or at any of the followir <br /> dressed in apparel not pertaining to the sex to which they belong, high-dice, high-die, low- <br />' or otherwise disguised, within the corporate limits of this city, and dominoes, poker with do~ <br />' ' on conviction before the mayor's court, shall be fined in any sum crack loo, crack or loo, o~ <br />i~"! not exceeding twenty-five dollars, that can be played with d! <br /> <br /> / <br /> <br /> <br />