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aznb~_i? ~~nces t~~us t } ~ va l id St ate ot Texas Cb autt=eu?'' s <br />License, wi_tli one ,irten+:lant on e<<ch a.mbtilance being EMI1' <br />certitied bythe State Lxoard at Health and Special Skills <br />certificd 1_n airwa~r,iiilagement, intravencus therapy, and <br />mast trouser.s. <br />4. City agreeC ta provide State ot Texas Certified <br />rP•IT Gouxse, and to possess an in-service trainirg program <br />ag,reement with ane or both of the local hospitalC. <br />City° ~grees thaL each vehicle used as an ambulance <br />shull be equipped with a two-way radio which transtnits and <br />receives on frequencies desi€;r.ated by the FCC, and the radio <br />eommunications to and tror„ saici ambulances, and the central <br />aisratcr emerbency vehicles, in coordination iaith and by the <br />knowledge of the Lamar County She.riff's Otti_ce and the Paris <br />Pciire .)epartr-;ent, and McCu7 stion and St. Joseph Hosps_tals, <br />each hor,pital turnishing its owr_ radio equipment whicti must <br />ilieet al1 requirer,ients tor the State Medical Services Commu- <br />nicati.c>n System attached hezeto as Exhibit A. <br />6. City agrees that all vehicles used tor emergency <br />service will meet or exceed Amendment -1 of F'ed. Spec. <br />KKK-A-1822 attached hereto as Exhibit B, ar.d r_leet the <br />minimal equipment listed on Exhibit C attached hereto, and <br />that all. ambulances and arcessory= equipment shaL1 be subject <br />to a_nspectior. by designated representative of t=he County, <br />and if at any time same or not in compliance witti the <br />Provisions her.ecf, or if any ambulance is in need of inechar.- <br />ical repairs in order to s_nsure its sats_stactory operation, <br />the said ~1ehi_cle must: he removed servic.e. <br />7. City agrees t-hat i_t si.ll a;lswer a:1.1. cMergency <br />calls w7_thi_n the lii:lits c.i- the (;ity and County, and that no <br />person within the t;itv and County sha11 be refused emergency <br />se.rvice, and iurther, agrees that transfer emergency service <br />when directed by a medical doctor wi11 not be refused, and <br />agrees to del.iver patier.ts to McCuistion and St. Joseph. <br />Hospital Zn the following manner: <br />_9_ <br />