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of work and quality of materials, or shall appear to the City to be so <br />incompetent, disorderly, or unfaithful as to endanger the proper ful- <br />fillment of this Contract, he shall, upon request of the City, be at <br />once discharged and not again employed on any part of the work. <br />O <br />Extra Work <br />The Contractor, when directed in writing by the City to perform extra <br />work which is required to complete the Contract and for which there is <br />no quantity or unit price included in the Contract, shall perform such <br />extra work in accordance with the instructions of the City. <br />No claim for extras shall be allowed unless such extras have been <br />ordered in advance, in writing, by the City; nor shall the work "EXTRAS" <br />include any work which may be fairly implied as necessary for the proper <br />completion of the project, and which, in the opinion of the City should <br />be furnished or done by the Contractor without extra charge. <br />P <br />Inspection and Acceptance of Work <br />Al1 work and materials to be performed or furnished under these <br />specifications shall be subject to the inspection of the City and in <br />all respects shall meet with their approval as conforming with the <br />provisions and requirements prescribed therefor. The City, and its <br />authorized representatives shall at all times be given free access to <br />the work or any part thereof, in which any article or material to be <br />used or furnished in connection with such work is being prepared or <br />fabricated; and the Contractor will be required to provide every <br />reasonable facility for obtaining full and sufficient information re- <br />lative to the performance of the work and the character of materials, <br />and for ascertaining that the quality of workmanship and materials is <br />in accordance with the intent of the specifications. <br />The Contractor warrants to the City that all materials and equipment <br />furnished under this Contract will be new unless otherwise specified, and <br />all work will be of good quality, free from faults and defects and in <br />conformance with the Contract Documents. All work not so conforming to <br />these standards may be considered defective. If required by the City, <br />the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and <br />quality of materials and equipment. <br />Where materials may be required to be tested, the Contractor shall <br />prepare and pay for samples and testing, delivery of same in good con- <br />dition to proper transportation agencies for shipment to the testing <br />laboratories, as directed by the City and/or its duly appointed repre- <br />sentative. <br />The Contractor shall remove, rebuild and make good, at his own costs, <br />any work which is found to be defective. Failure to condemn work at the <br />time of its construction shall not be construed as an acceptance of de- <br />fective work. <br />The Contractor will be required to correct all imperfect work when- <br />ever discovered. <br />I - 6 <br />