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The Contractor shall, if the City requests, remove or uncover such <br />portions of the finished work as the City may direct, before the final <br />acceptance of the same. After the examination, the Contractor shall <br />restore said portion of the work to the standard required by the specifi- <br />cations. If the work thus exposed or examined proves acceptable, the <br />expenses of uncovering or removing and the replacing of the parts re- <br />moved shall be paid for as extra work, unless otherwise provided in the <br />specifications, but if the work so exposed or examined is unacceptable, <br />the expense of uncovering or removing and the replacing of the same in <br />accordance with the specifications shall be borne by the Contractor. <br />Q <br />R <br />Change of Line or Grade <br />The City shall have the right to make alterations in the line or grade <br />plan, form or dimensions of the work herein contemplated, either before or <br />after the commencement of the work. If such alterations diminish the <br />quantity of the work to be done, they shall not constitute a claim for <br />damages or for anticipated profits on the work dispensed with; if they <br />increase the amount of work, such increase shall be paid for according to <br />the quantity actually done and at the price stipulated for such work as <br />set out in the Schedule of Prices. <br />The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining all stakes or con- <br />trols necessary to complete the work to the lines and grades as shown on <br />the plan. Construction surveying will be performed by the City. <br />Failure to Execute Contract <br />Failure to comply with any of the requirements of the Specifications <br />and Contract, or to execute the Contract within ten (10) days as specified, <br />shall be just cause for the annulment of the award, or of the Contract. <br />S Right to Complete Work <br />If, at any time, the City shall be of the opinion that the work is <br />unnecessarily delayed and will not be finished within the prescribed time, <br />it shall notify the Contractor in writing to the effect. If the Con- <br />tractor shall not, within five (5) days thereafter take such measures as <br />will, in the judgement of the City, insure the satisfactory completion of <br />the work, the City may then notify the Contractor to discontinue all work <br />under this agreement; and the Contractor shall immediately respect said <br />Notice and stop and cease to have any rights under this Contract, or to <br />possession of the ground, equipment, and material installed or stockpiled, <br />in transit or purchased. The City may then annul and cancel this Contract <br />and re-let the work or any part thereof; or, the City may employ such <br />force as it may deem advisable to complete the Work, and may use any <br />materials dependent upon the work, or procure other materials and charge <br />the expenses of labor and materials to the Contractor; and no payments <br />for any of the work done by the Contractor shall be issued until the <br />cost of completing said work by the City has been ascertained and certified <br />by the City and such costs of completion shall have been paid into the <br />City Treasury by the Contractor and his Sureties. <br />I - 7 <br />