r'j'f1.~TDI~' )~~U7~n1 nl~, t~Gl2E1~n'iENT EXHIBIT A
<br />As /',doplccl 13y
<br />'1'tlE'd't•;XA5 5!;(;7'IUN UF'I'lil."' nN9L;1tICAN SUC11•1'I'Y OFCldfiL l;hG1NEl;liS
<br />. Uctobcr 7, 1971
<br />Rcvised Navembcr 17, 1928
<br />Reviscd April 15, 1932
<br />}tevised Octobcr 27, 1939
<br />}tevised October 19, 1995
<br />Revised Apri1 8, 1954
<br />Revised April 21, 1960
<br />Revised Octobcr 7, 1971
<br />Approved as to Legal N orrn by
<br />Lcgal Counsc!
<br />COUNTY 0F_Ld:.flA2_.-._J
<br />T33I5 AGREEAtENT, made and entered into this 9th day of_ Aut,11Sr
<br />A. D. 19_I2 , by and betweer~ the CIZ'Y OF PARIS -
<br />of the County of La r1_a r and Slate of Texas, acting thrauhh
<br />i_ its ~'_ayo-r.
<br />~ _thereunto duly authoriz.ed so to do,
<br />Party of the First Part, hereinafter termed 01'4`N?_'l(, and -
<br />B u: 3 E~,c uiT)-,ient Comr),any---
<br />of the City of_ I'aris County of La.trtar
<br />and State of_ Texas , I'arty of the SCcond I'art, liereinafter termed
<br />WITNESSETIi: That for and in considerataon of the Payments and agrcements herein-
<br />after mentioned, to be mau'e and periormed by the Party of the I'irst Part (OWNLtt), and under
<br />the conditions expressed an the liond bearing even dale herewith, the said P:srty of the Second
<br />Part (CONTRACTOR), hereby agrees with the said Party of the First Part (OWNER) to
<br />commence and complete the construction of ceriain improvements desc:ribed as follows:
<br />3utter:aillc Creek Draina~e T'roject, Pl-iase III
<br />and all extra work in connection therewith, undcr the terms os stated irl the General Conditions
<br />of the Arreement ar,d at his (or their) own propcr cost and expense ta furnish all the materials,
<br />suppJie:, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, iabor, insurance, and other acce,ssories
<br />and services necessary to complete the said construciion, in accordance with the'conditions and
<br />prices stated in the Proposal attached hereto, and in accordance with the Notice to Contractors,
<br />Ceneral anc3 Special Conditions of Agreement, Plans and other drawings and printed ar a'ritten
<br />explanatory° mafter thereof, and the Specifications ard addenda iherefor, as prepared by
<br />P.i olz Ccianer
<br />herein entiticcl the ENCINEEIt, c:wc of which h,i. Viceii icientil'ied by the (:ON'I'itA('T01: alici
<br />the 1;NG1NEh;1I, tugcthcr with the CUN7'ltA(;'1'OIs'S written 1'rupo,;cl, the Cenc►`:d C011ciitio~il.-,
<br />uf the Agrcemcnt, ~incl thc Pcrf+,rm:unrc :ii'cl P:tymcut Bon<i. hcrcto :itl:~rh<<i; :ill uf whirh :irc mxdc
<br />a purt hercuf :unc1 coilecliveTy cviilcncc .incl con,titute the ciitire e01l11-art,
<br />SF-7. U., T.... ASl'l "11
<br />