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94092 <br />certtfled mall, return recelpt rc(iucstcd) ot <br />lntent Lo Cerminate, a1id (2) an opuurlunlly <br />tor conaulLnUon a•fth the terminutlnQ parly <br />before terminaClon. <br />(c) !t the owner lennlnates !or dr(ault, an <br />equluble adJuatment tn the price provldcd <br />for ln thV agreement shs71 be made, bul (1) <br />no alnount shall be nlloaed for uitlclpsted <br />pro(lt oA unperformed aervtcra ot olher <br />work, and (7) uiy paymcnC due lo the engl• <br />neer at the Ume ol CcrmtnaUon may De nd- <br />Jusled Lo the exlrnC o( nny addlt;onal costs <br />the oa-nu lncuts because of Che enYtneer's <br />dr.feult. If the enilneer LerTnlnatea (ur dc- <br />lault or lf ihe oaner tcrnili;ntcs for contcn- <br />lence, the taullable acfJustmenl shnll (n- <br />clude a reaaonable prolfl (or acnicca nr <br />olher v.•ork performed. 1'he cqultablc nd• <br />Ju5tment for any LerniInaUon ahsll provldc <br />tor payment Lo the englneer tor acrvfces <br />renderrd and expenses fncurred befure thc <br />Lrrnilnntlon, ln addlUon lo tcrmliiatlon aet- <br />tlemrnt coata the en¢ineer reasunsbly <br />Incut3 relntlng to cointnitments 0.'FIICll had <br />becomc llrm bcforc the terminatlon. <br />(d) Upon recelpt of a ir.nnlnatlun acUon <br />under para¢raphs (a) or (C) aboce, the en`f- <br />nrer ahall (1) PrompUY dlsconUnue sil scr- <br />vlces efferted iunless tlie noUce direcls uth- <br />erwlse7, and (4) deilver or o(herw'lse tnuke <br />avallable to the owner all data, drauings. <br />apcclficnuons, reDorts, cstlmatcs, summar <br />irs, and auch olhrr tnlormaUon and mntcrl- <br />als na the enQlneer may hacr accumuis(rd <br />!n prr(ormtnQ thls a6reement, whcther com <br />pleted ur In process. <br />(e) llpon terminatlun un(ler parngral)hs <br />(a) or (b) above, the ownrr mny take o~ct <br />the wurk uid preuccutt the snrnt W comule- <br />tlon by ngreement wtth ariothcr party or <br />athrrwtse. Any wurk the ovrncr Cakes bvcr <br />for eumpleUon a'iJ! De cumpletcd at the <br />owner'a rlsk, and lhe vwner al)1 hold hxrm- <br />Ieu thr cngineer ltom all claluvY end dnrii- <br />evee arialnK ou[ o( Improper use o( the enKl- <br />ncrr's work. <br />If, alcrr tcrmination lor !utlurc ol the <br />rnpfnee•r lu (ulllll conlrertual obllgxUwo, Il <br />Is drLrrrnlned that the eniilnrer hnd nut so <br />lallyd, the terminatlon ahall tx decrncd to <br />have bren e(Ircted for the convenlrnce of <br />the o0.ner. In tuch evcnt, adJusLmcnt o( the <br />prtce pruvldrd for !n thls aKrccrnrnt ahall b, <br />rr,nAr ka piLraQraph (c) o( lhts clxii:c pru <br />eldcs. <br />RLLCDICS <br />}:xncp( as IhLs aQreernrnl othrrwtsr y'ro <br />vidvs, nll clnims, cuunccr clnirns, di,%)ut, <br />nnd olhcr matters tn Qucstlun brtarcn thc <br />Uwtiet nnd Lhe enrlnecr arl.%lnQ out of or re- <br />lnUn¢ Lo thls airrecmrnl or the brench u( fi <br />wIU be di•cldcd by wrbltratlc,n If thc pnrUcs <br />heret,o mutually aurce, ( r In x court u( coin <br />Grtcnt )urLsdlctlon wllhln tlie Stalc !r: <br />u•hlch the owner le ]ocated. <br />7. fAYMGYT <br />(a) Paymrnt shall tx madr In a, rnrdnncr <br />alth lhr paymenl achedule lncorpurated in <br />lhls ayrcernent u aoon ns pracUcsDlc upun <br />submLulon of staCemenW reducslin¢ pay, <br />ment by the engtneer lo the oanrr. 1f no <br />aurh pnymrnl achedule ls Incorpornted !n <br />lhia atreement, the payment provLsloru ot <br />psrorrrph (b) ot [his ciause shall apply. <br />(b) The cnQlneer may reyuest monthty <br />progrcaa paymenLs and the ow•ncr 611RII <br />meie them aa soon ru practlcuble upon nub- <br />rnlnxlon of alalemenLi repuestlnQ payrix•nt <br />Gy the en¢Ineer lo the ou•ner. When such <br />yrogrem paymcnW tre medr, the owner mny <br />rs <br />RULES AND REGULATIONS <br />ul(hhuld up lo lrn (10) perccnt o( the vou. <br />chcred amounl witll sntl4(wctory coniplcUon <br />by thc cnKlnecr o( work and scn';crs a'lthln <br />a slf•p cullcd for under lhls sqrrcmcnl. <br />Wht-ti Ltic ouncr dcirnnlnr.i thnt the work <br />undcr thls ny;recment or niiy apecl!!rd task <br />hcCCUndrr Ls aubslnnUally complclc nnd <br />Lhal thc ninaunt ot rctnliird perccnl.agcs Is <br />ln exces9 ot the amoun, cunsldered by hlm <br />lo bc edcauatc !or hly protcctlon, he ahell <br />rrlense Co the engincer such excrsti atnounC. <br />(c) No peymrnt reQucst madc under pnra- <br />graph lal or (G) o! thls clause shxll excced <br />Ihc rstimatcd unoun[ and value nf the work <br />and scrvlces performed by the englncer <br />under llify nyrecrnene. 'I'he enQlnccr shult <br />prcparc thc csUmntcs o( uork pcrformed <br />and shnll supp;cmrnl thccn ullh such aup- <br />PorUng Anla ar the oaner rnay rcQUlre. <br />(d) C?pon axtLslartory cumpictton of the <br />uork pcrfortneA undcr thls nqreernent, a.v a <br />condltlon ptcccdcnt lo flnal pnymcnt undcr <br />LhLS nKrccment or to sotUement upon Cermf• <br />nn[lon uf the aKreefni•nt, the errglncer shall <br />execute and dellver lo the oa•ner a rclense <br />of all ('IAIfiIS 9gAI(lSl Lhf owner arLsing under <br />or by %lrtuc o( thts e;;nerr.icnt. othcr thnn <br />such clnlrn., !f eny. n.. may bc spi•cl(Irnlly <br />c,\emp1rd by tlir cnulnei•r Rum lhe oDcr- <br />aLlon uf tlic r<•Ira.;r In stxted aznouttLs ta bc <br />set lorth thereln. <br />2. rHOrerr ucsicN <br />(s) ln the prr(onmnncc of thls agrecmrn[, <br />tl:r cn6lnerr shall. W the extcn[ pracUrable. <br />G?roOdc fur maztrnurn usc ol structurrs, ma• <br />chlni•v, puoduc-ls, innlrrtnls. construcUon <br />inrthod.s, and rqullanuvlL yhlch nrc rendlly <br />ntiatlnDlc throuKh cornpctltfve proctircment, <br />or through slnndnrd ur proccn produeLlon <br />t<•chnl ,uvs. mrlhr,d.s, and prcNessc~+, conslsf• <br />i•nl with 10 Cr'IZ 15 938 3 and 35.936 13 In <br />cffrct oti ihe dalr ul rsccutlon of lhLs nhree- <br />mrnt, excrpt to ttir cxtcnt to whlch Innuva- <br />tlvc lrclunulogy inay be used undi•r 10 CF'R <br />JS 908 tn c!(i-ct on I.hc dxtc a( cxccutlon o( <br />lhlti nktr,•nnrnl. <br />(h) 71~c enj~lnrrr shnll not. I;i the perfurrn- <br />ance ot (he uurk uncler thls ndreemrnl, pro- <br />diicr e d,_„in or s1,4 ciflcxUon ahlch uould <br />roqultr lhe^ we uf s[nuturev, tnnchinrs, <br />{uuJucl:;. mxterlnls. cunslrucUan mcltiods, <br />cQulpincnl. or prucr-scs w•hlch the eny,hnrci <br />RIIUK'3 to bc nvallable only from n aolc <br />suurcc. wllcss lhc engfnccr h;Ls AOCCjU9LPIy <br />fl15UIIPtI Ltlf usc of a scalc aoutcc In wrILInR. <br />(c)'I'he enginecr .rhxll nnt. in thc pcr(orn1- <br />dncc of the uork urnfer Ihls AgfPCfllCllt. pf0- <br />ducc a drsign or sp," IflceUon whlch would <br />bc rrstrlcUve Ui vlolntion ot scc. 204(a)(6) of <br />lhc CIeun Wutcr Ac•L Thls statutc rryulres <br />llint no apcct(Icntlon !ur blcL+ nr alntcrncnt <br />o( uor{c ahell br urlttcn In iurh ■ manncr e.-i <br />W contr.ln proprlrtnry, exclusionary, or cAe- <br />cr;minntury requlrcmrnty oLMer than thosc <br />bn.tird upun ,per(onns-nce, unlrst atich rc- <br />Qulrenu•nls nre nece.v,ary to Lcst oi detnon• <br />ntrulc n spectllc thlnR. ur lo provfdc tor nir.- <br />c•.cairy Intrrchrnjcrabltlty of parW tind <br />rqulpmcnt, or at Icast two brsnd narnca or <br />Crade namel uf comp4tablc qunlltY or uCUlty <br />are Ustrd ►nd nrr followed by the words 'br <br />eaual." Wlth regard lu matulals, ld ► sln¢le <br />rnalerlaJ Ls apccifled, lhr en¢Inecr muit be <br />prrpnrcA tu :,utislaziUnle the DagLs for lht <br />seIrctlun of lhr mntcrfal. <br />tdl'I'he englnct-r shwU rclx)rt lo the owncr <br />any sulr yource or reetrlctlve dcstgn or specl- <br />flc•nlfon gI%In¢ the rrasun or re•tisoru whp IC <br />I} nccc!,.~xry lo rentrlct the dc:.Ign or apcctfl- <br />CRliOfl. <br />r <br />(e) The en¢lncer stiall not knoaingly <br />speclfy or npprove the performarice of aork <br />at t faclilty whlch 1i ln vlolaUon o( cletn alr <br />or watcr atanduds snd which Ls ILSted by <br />the Dlrect,or of the EPA O((Ict of Federal <br />Acttvttlcs under 40 CFF2 Part 15. <br />P. AOD2T; ACYLSS TO RLCORDS <br />(a) The en¢Ineer ahall malntain books, <br />rerorda, documenta, and other evldcnce dl- <br />recely pertinent to per(ormance on EPA <br />fCranl work under [hV a¢reement In accord• <br />nnce wl.h Qenerally accepeed ucounGlna <br />principlcs and practlces conststently np. <br />p11cd, and 40 CFF2 30.805, 30.805, znd 35.935- <br />7 ln e((ect on the date ot eaecution o! thV <br />agrerrnent. The enQtneer ahwll also maln• <br />laln the flntinclal tnformatfon Lnd dn[a used <br />by the en6~inecr !n Che preparaUon or aup- <br />port of the cost aubmtsslon reQUlred under <br />40 CFR 35.937-8(b) in e!lect on the date o( <br />exccutfon of thts a¢reement and x coDy ot <br />the cost aummary aubml[led to the owncr. <br />Ttic U.S. Envtronmental F'rotectlon Agrney, <br />the Comp[roller General of the United <br />S[ates, the U.S. Department o( Iatwr, <br />ownef, nnd Rhe State a•aLer pollutlon con- <br />trol agrncy) or tny o( thcly duly Luthorlud <br />rt•prescntatlves ahall have acccss to auch <br />books, recordY, documents, and other evl• <br />dence tor lnspecUon, wdlt, and copytr.Q. <br />The engtneer wt11 provlde proper facllltlre <br />for such accev and lnspecelon. <br />(b) The en¢lncer sarees to include para- <br />araphs (a) ttirough (e) of thLs clause {n all <br />hls conCrncU iLnd t)I tler aubcontracW dl• <br />recCly related Co proJect per(ormance that <br />•re 1n exccv o( =10,000. <br />(c) Audlu conducted undet thLs provis:on <br />ahall be !n a.ccordsnce a•lth genenlly ac• <br />crpted atidliftig standnrcLs nnd tatabllshed <br />procrdurcs and Qulciellnea o; the revlewing <br />or audlt agency(les). <br />(d) The englneer agrces to the dLsclosure <br />of alI tn(ormatlon and repors resulUng <br />(rom nccev to recorda under para¢rnph.i (s) <br />anA (b) ot thLs clnuse, to nny of ihe nyenclea <br />rclcrred to In pnraQreph (a), Drovlded lhat <br />the englncer ts nlforded the opportunlty tor <br />an audlt exlt conference and an opportunfty <br />:o commcnt and submlt any suDDarthiY doc- <br />umcntntlon on the pertlnent portloru of the <br />drnll nudll report Lnd ChnC lht tlnai audlt <br />rrport wtll lnclude wr(tCen commenU of rea• <br />sonabte IcnQth, It nny, of the enQlneer. <br />(e) The enYtneer ahall inalntxln and mnkc <br />•VRIIftDIC recordi under pnrn6rnphs (a) snd <br />(b) of thLs ctause during performasice on <br />t:PA QranC wort under thlS syreement and <br />unUl 3 years trom the date ot final EPA <br />erant payment for the pro)ect. In addltlon, <br />thosc rccorda which relnte W sny "DLvptite" <br />sDixa) undcr sn F.YA Rranc sgreemene, to <br />IlUgntfon, to the settlecnent of clatms arLs- <br />ln¢ ou[ of such pertormuue, or to cosea or <br />ltemd Lo ahich an sudlt ezceptlon ha.s been <br />tnken, Rhsll be mslntatned end mnAe avwlln- <br />Dle untlf 1 yeara atter the dute of resolution <br />of ruch eppcal, i)U¢atlon, clalm, or eacep- <br />Uon. <br />10. ►qIC[ R7bOCTIOM lOR PL/LCTIVi C03T OR <br />raictNa aere <br />(7'Ata cfaust is apnl(c¢D!e f/lhe nmount oJ <br />tht.+ aprrrmenl esceeds lIOO,OOOJ <br />(a) If the owner or EPA determtne3 [hnt <br />any prtce. Lncludlng prollt, nr.¢otlated In <br />co<<:iccUon wlth thlsi atreement or stiy cost <br />relrnburaable under lhb ayreemenC wae tn- <br />crcAUd by Lny aignlficant tucna Decauie [hc <br />enQtneer or any auDcontrutor furnVhed In• <br />compleLe or lnaccurnte coet or pi1c1nQ data <br />fEOElAt !I[GISTER, VUI. 4.3, NO. 1M--WEDNESDAT, SEtTEM6FR 27, 1978 <br />