or dala not cutrent u certltlcd !n hla certitl-
<br />catlon of currait cost or prlcing dnta (EPA
<br />form 6700--11), then auch prire, cast, or
<br />proflt ahall be reduccd accordlnylY and the
<br />Lyreement thall be modl(fcA !n wrltln¢ to
<br />;-efloct auch reducLlon.
<br />(b) F'allure tQ aPree on s redurUon shall
<br />Ge aub)oct W'lhe remeGlea dause o( thu
<br />agrxmenl.
<br />(Nole.-Stnee Uic apreemcnl is iuhXCt to
<br />nQuctton undtr Ut{i clawc Dy ncuon oJ dr•
<br />Jccttve coaf or r+tirinp Qata tu0m{fttQ tn
<br />connertiow e+llh cerlatn iuDconlraces. Vie
<br />rnpineer rtuy w{aA eo tncludt a clauac in
<br />each iucA iubconfracl rrpuir{np Clit suDcon•
<br />lrrutor to npD*oDriately (ndrmni/}r the engi•
<br />neer. !t ir alao tSpecLed thal any ruDconlrne-
<br />lor rubJecl lo iuch {ndemn(i1^nfion icilt pen-
<br />crnlly rcpuirc iuDstan(!¢!!y rimtlar indamni-
<br />Jicaltion Jor deJecficx ca+f os pncinp data rc-
<br />quised lo Dc iuDmitfe-d by his lott~tr tier auD-
<br />contracfort.)
<br />i 1. Svncox7nAc;a
<br />(a) Anr eubcontrscLOn and outslde asso-
<br />etatcn or conauitunts rcqulred by the enFt-
<br />neer ln connectlon aith services under thts
<br />ngrcemcnt vtll be llmlled to auch tndlvid-
<br />uals or tlrnv aa were apeti!ICally tder.tifled
<br />and aQreed to durin¢ negotiatlons, or iLe the
<br />oancr epoclflcnlly euthorixes durlng thc
<br />pertormance of thts aQrerment. Thc oa•ner
<br />must glve prtor approvnl for any substltu-
<br />Uann In ot eddltlons to such subcontreu•tora,
<br />asscxtatra, or conaultants.
<br />(b) The enetncer mny not subcontract ser
<br />vlcra ln excena of thlrtp (30) perr(,nl tor
<br />] LI , Q pement, If the ow•ner and the cnyl-
<br />nert hereby agree) nf the ontract prtce to
<br />suLconCraclon or coruuttnrits w7[houl llic
<br />uv: ner's Drtor writtcn epprovat.
<br />1 7. LADOR 6TANDARDS
<br />To the eztent thaC thls aqrecment ln
<br />vbltes °ivnslrucUon" (as de(ined Gy the
<br />Sccrclaty of I.nbor), Lt1t enRlnc'er nKfrcti
<br />thnt euch rnrutturtfon NOfIC 6tlAlI Ih' subJrrt
<br />tu the followlnq lebor atandnrds prucl}luns.
<br />lo the exlcnt appllj~able;
<br />(R) I3L1'is-S6COIl AGL (40 U.S.C. 276G-
<br />2 76%-7):
<br />(b) Contrut Work lioun; and Sn(rty
<br />titnndsrda Act (40 U.S.C. 317-333);
<br />(e) l:opelsnd ML!-K1clcbaek Acl (18 U S.C.
<br />S74 and
<br />(d) Exccu.lve Ordcr I1218 (Eduai Employ-
<br />ment Opportunlty);
<br />uid fmplcmenting rulcs, re¢ulatlons, anct
<br />relrvatit ordera ol Ltie Sccretnry of Labor or
<br />f7'A. T'he en¢Inccr Juriher aQrecs that this
<br />agreement ahall Include and be sub)a rt to
<br />ltIe "Lbor SLandards F'rot•lsloiu (or Prdrr
<br />ally Asslsted ConstrucUon Contracts° (F:PA
<br />form 5720-4) in effect at the Umo o( exi•c-u-
<br />Uoti of lfits titeemrnt.
<br />17. [9UAL Oi7LOYl1LN7' Otl`c/HTVNfTY
<br />in accordanae wIth EPA Wllcy U-s tlx
<br />prcssrd !n 40 CFR 30.420-5, lhe enAlzie-e'r
<br />a4:roes that he aill not dlscrlmieuts agaltul
<br />afiy employre or appllcanl !or employ'lurnl
<br />becnuse of race, reilgton, color, scx, a,;e, or
<br />naUoual oriQin.
<br />11. ff7ILfZAT701f 0/ SYAIl ANO YIT(OAITY
<br />easixLSs
<br />in wcorduice wtth EPA pollcy dS CC-
<br />Vrea.+od tn 40 CFR 35.978-7, Lhe m¢fne';r
<br />agrces ttial puaJlfkcl unall buslness end ml-
<br />rwrlLy buclricss cnlerprices shall have tlic
<br />mnrim+im pracUc►ble oVPorWnItY to par-
<br />tlefpatc in lhc performancx o! EPA y,rnnt
<br />P<fisted conlracts etid subcontracta.
<br />16. COVf.NAl(7 ACAINST C(1M7INf./:NT rT"r.S
<br />Thr <•n¢inirr worranla tlinl no pvrson or
<br />sclling egency ha.v been cmploycd or re•
<br />talnrd to soltcil or accurc thl, ronlrnct upon
<br />un rgrccmrnt or undersCwnAlnK (or n cum-
<br />misslon, percrnla¢c, brokeraxe, or contln•
<br />gent lee, excrptlna bon► tldr cmplayrr_r•. F'or
<br />breach or vlolatlon o( thls Qarrnnly the
<br />owner ahali hR\'f lF1C rl¢h[ Lo annul thts
<br />aYreement without IIablUty or In ILs discrc•
<br />Uon to dcduct from thc contrnct prlce or
<br />cotuldcrstlon, ur ulhcrw'Lse rocovrr, thc full
<br />nrnount of such cumn.lsvon, percentagr.,
<br />brokrraQC. or conUnRcnt fce.
<br />16. f.RATI.'ITfI.S
<br />(a) I( lt Ls (ound. aftrr nnUre an(i hrnring.
<br />Gy the oa'ncr lhef lhe englnrrr, or nny of
<br />the cnglnccr's nl4rnt.c or rrpresentntlvrs, o!•
<br />fcted or Qacr Ki'atuiUcs (ln thc tunn o( cn-
<br />tcrlalnmcnl, g114s, or otherwlsr), to nny o(fi•
<br />clal, emplayer, or tigrnt o! Lhe ownrr, o( the
<br />State. or o( 6:PA In •n o1tVrnI)l (o srcun• a
<br />conlrnct or Invornb{c ttet+tnuent In euard
<br />Inq, amcndlnti, or making xny d,termina•
<br />Lloi:s Telated lo Ihr prrfunnnnci• of thi.e
<br />ugn•ement. the uwnur may. bl' uritlrn
<br />nutlcc to Lhe cnY.lnrcr. 1.4vminalr IIue riKht
<br />OI thc cnAincer lu proaced undt•r lhiti agrcc•
<br />ment. The ouiier may utsu pur. ur othrr
<br />rl►hts and rem(dirs tfin[ U!, I:lN' nf ihu
<br />a6recment proci.lrs. Howctier. 1114' cxi'.i'nic•
<br />ol the fe('ls uixm which thr ouner b:i.rs
<br />such !lndings slia;! bc in l.ti~u~• nn(1 tnay br
<br />rc%trv.cd In luorovdiiu•s und,r Ihc re rnrdics
<br />rlniuc o( lhfs xF:nv mi•nt.
<br />(b) in Uie rt'i•nl Ihls nRrrrm,n( is lvrnii,
<br />nncrd u prurtde.S in pantj:rnph ~Hi lit. nof,
<br />lht• oW n,' r shnil be enlit Ird: (1) 'I o puncc
<br />lhe wnc rrr.:vdirs al;:ilnst llir engineer n; It
<br />rnuld pursuc 1n thc rcrnt o( n breneh o( tht•
<br />ronlrz.rt by Lhe rnl:,,icror. nnd c:? rc+ n pwnnl
<br />l5'. In tiAdl;inn lo nny n(h~~r d:~ni:~.rv I~i
<br />u'hlch It inny bc cnlltird b~ luw. lu vxrinl'ln
<br />ty duningrs In an nmuunt (n.ti drlrnjilnl.-I by
<br />the o,.k"ix•r) al;ich shall br not iv%; lhxn 3
<br />nor more Lh;ui 10 Ume1 Ihc (o.vls Uhr cnKi
<br />necr Inivrs In pro0ding anc surla gralintirs
<br />lo any such o(ficrr or rmi,ln) r, .
<br />f 7. YATENi'ti
<br />If lhls RH7fPfill`ill involcf•s resvarfRi. Aw.vI.
<br />opmrntnl, ex{u•rirncnlsl. or Aitnnntinaiion
<br />n•ork und nn}• dfscncrrp or Incr,nltun ;krl:r.ti
<br />or ts dccclo~xed fn the roursc of nr wuirr
<br />[hLs nrrcemrnt, such invcntlon or dlscol;(Lry
<br />shxli hr subJi-ct to the rrporiing nn,l ril;hts
<br />(~ru~lslortv ot sub~~.irl 1) o( 40 ('FIZ pnit
<br />In c!lccl on thr c'ate of rtii•rutlun uf Ihls
<br />nFnvcmrnl. tncluding n;'{i<n1lix !4 u( parl 30.
<br />in such cft~:r, tiir rnvinerr r;hnll irpnrt th,L
<br />dl,vuvrry or Inc,nllon lo l:l'A ilfrr( Uy ur
<br />ltimu{;h lhr uwncr. tind sliull oIltirruir.i•
<br />comply uilh the uunrr's n,xponsi!)illUrs In
<br />❑ccordancc w1th suhpRrl o( 10 C1-IZ Irul
<br />30. Thr rngincor et,-rrrs lhnt the Aisposltlun
<br />o( riyhts to Imi•ntlnns mndt, under tt, fs
<br />sgrectncnt shn11 Dc in acrordnncc w'ith the
<br />terms nnd condillons of apprndia !l.'1'lir rii-
<br />6lnrcr slin❑ lncludr npproprfalc patrnt pro-
<br />citifons W nihlr%r ihr purpnsr o( thls rcin(H-
<br />Llon in nll silbr*untrnc4s Imulelnr, rv.",arch.
<br />de~•clopinrnlnl. rx~~rrimrnial. or ~I~~rnonti(ra
<br />•
<br />tlon work.
<br />18. corvatc.)Irs eHn ai(nirs tN nrrn
<br />(a) Thr V4191necr xgrors thnl any 1,1: dniKlnKs. df-signs. .tiprci(Ir,~llun:., r~~m~~nti r
<br />~
<br />44093
<br />proKram.t (which dre nubxtanUnlly pald tor
<br />with EYA Qrenl tunds), lcchnicnl reports,
<br />cpcrnttng mnnuxls, and othu a•ort submlt-
<br />tcd vrlth a strp I fnclUUes plan or wlCh a
<br />step 2 or slcp 3 grsnl sppllcnUon or whlch
<br />are spcclfled to be deiivered undrr thLs
<br />agrrFmrnt or which are developed or pro-
<br />ducrd and pnld for under thls ayreemeni
<br />freferrc(i to In this cleuse as "SubJect
<br />Data") are subJect ta the righca In lhe
<br />Unltrd States, as set (orth In subyart D o(
<br />10 CFIt pnrt 30 and tn appendix C to 10
<br />CFK pnrt 10, In elfect on the dnte of execu•
<br />tlon of :his ngrecmenC. T'hese rights Include
<br />the rlght to use, duplicate, and dlsclose such
<br />aubJcct data. In whoic or In parl, in any
<br />msnner (or any purpose whatsotvCr, end W
<br />havc olhcrs do so. For purposes of thLs
<br />elause, "¢ranlee" Ls used ln •ppendlx C
<br />rcfcrs to the rngineer. It the mnteria! Lt co•
<br />pyrightable, the cnglnMr msy copyNKhl It.
<br />as nppendlx C permlLs, aub)ecl to the ri¢hLc
<br />In thr C;overnmcnt in appendl: C. but the
<br />ouncr snd the Federal Govemment reservc
<br />a royalty-iree, nonexclustve, nnd Irrevocnbie
<br />Ilcrnsr lo rrproduce, publLsh, and use such
<br />mntrrlal.a, In whole or In part, encl Lo nuthn-
<br />rize othcrs to do so. "I'he cndinrer shall !n-
<br />cludc nnPrnprlatc provLsions lo achirve thr
<br />purposc of lhi, condlUon tn ali subcuntrar4ti
<br />expoctrd lo proctucc copyriHhta :ic subjrct.
<br />dntn.
<br />(D) All such sublect daCn furnishcd by the
<br />enRlnerr t>ur5uant to thi5 nQr"rmrnt arr In-
<br />scrumenls of hts sen•IccS ln resliect r,f tlw
<br />proJrcl. 1t Is undcrsLood thn[ the cngince-r
<br />does not rcpmscnt such s;ib),c•l d;ttn Ici b,.
<br />sultable (or reusc on eny olhet pruprt ur
<br />for niiy uUirr purposc. If the owner rru.tirs
<br />lhc SIIbJCCI A0.tT R•ithoul thr cnginrrr's spc-
<br />rIfic v,rltlcn verificxlion or ndn{,iatfnn. such
<br />rru.tic v.iii bc wl thc rlsk of I.hr uwnrr, aith-
<br />out liatiilfty to thr ccginccr. Any s,ich vc•r
<br />IfIfR!lon or adnptztion w•itl r•ntitlc Uu• e-nvi-
<br />nrer to lurthcr compcnation nt rat rs
<br />nv.rrtr1 upon by Ihr ou•ner nnrf th,• r.
<br />
<br />~
<br />Co~ rrt< tnv C tvTneC~ti
<br />\
<br />11 ~.I~1F Y (:L. NA \NNIIIfI~(VS \
<br />1. lcnr ~L ~ ~
<br />2. a nRl~s. ~ \ \ 1
<br />UI( `riniSlteCondltlonl,
<br />1. Sutipl~cL.lori pf 1Vqrk\ \
<br />5. ' •rmi~1(lo~~,for'L~r(3u1t; ~h~1nu~~ fo;
<br />l vlay; 'imrxCrnxjorL~~
<br />Trr, t;nti~p fnr Conl~lcnlr`n~r. \
<br />7. ,t,C ,,t ~
<br />R. L. >or S nrt\ rl.c
<br />Ul 'n!1n nf Rtnall~Ot T~ir.nii~c i:. J
<br />, , \ .
<br />10. will. I rt':; to lir~ufd:?~ ~
<br />I. P cc I•duc( n for.j)(-ftLic4•' 'o::t )r
<br />I'r ~iny I la. \ \
<br />12. 'mf i nf 'alliti .finttlnl
<br />IJ. atui s. ~
<br />1:l -nts. \
<br />
<br />1 ~~OD. iRhtti 3nA Ight. n U
<br />6. 'ruh, iUnn g:~i :l 1, tr, l ~~,lat
<br />-'t171:t3u5 ~mr, an. \
<br />t r,rxr. N
<br />(al 'I'hr )u•i F. an Uu~ -onl rtor grcr
<br />t C p !lo• ng . pplo• r~nl: It( n ral
<br />pr( i>,lo ~ rtt ly 0 (1 - uu lo )c Li
<br />)nn t u Icr iis •ontr, -t an cha, thr:,
<br />n vis ts . ilirr. dc ny nflic ng ovi-
<br />t~!o of ~fs ntr, l.
<br />\(b1 " his con acl s( do-d n pa. by
<br />tir?ii~t oni he I.S. ' ni.. mmr tal 1 Ccc.
<br />