bueh tn t
<br />I
<br />0
<br />q aUvt !
<br />tn ,ty.
<br />lg chuE
<br />ust 11
<br />w ts o
<br />cac wir f
<br />to
<br />~wu
<br />a foU
<br />for t
<br />cant not
<br />tued t
<br />To
<br />.l Cos
<br />\ tlm
<br />0.-A t
<br />f~ 1 1 t~1 I i~' I l: l~ 1 1
<br />vi t21tsf Wc1 ta.
<br />. 1 . De
<br />~\+l nl tficr ~\Il hi\on-
<br />.
<br />• D rta unle !
<br />In W
<br />\ M~~ai; C-1-}itVV~~rn f novtetonf-
<br />l
<br />aU
<br />V p/ tI ropt
<br />COpOVLTIMG SJ,CIM[[LInO /~aR[l.4Rti!
<br />A
<br />I TO'~ ~ti t
<br />OtMI1I
<br />ado by h• a ilcan
<br />3. Rcstwnelblllty of lhe P.nrlncrr
<br />ln l d utlOn f ltta nt
<br />3, &'Ops oI Work
<br />Uon coa to
<br />4. Ch anpea
<br />uwt ) ta rox att p
<br />A. Trnntrutlon
<br />eai Du Le Lo
<br />ea
<br />h
<br />J~cmcdla
<br />of e mrnt ka.
<br />F'ayment
<br />•lM Ch t m L c De
<br />t. ProJrct Dealm
<br />9u : ho er. e app •
<br />f. Aud1t; Aacw to Rrcord,
<br />1 tcd to eir .'fhe •rot+o ~
<br />30, f'rta Rreuetlm tor I3cfrc:fve (:ost or
<br />w L nre dcftrs belo
<br />Pricini Dsta
<br />;xTttl aS1d nit ~ct t6 A~
<br />11. 6uDconLncv
<br />pet un of tlm ~
<br />'
<br />11. I.~bor StanA►rLis
<br />EQun1 Emntoymrnt OvMirtunity
<br />»
<br />a arge f O. !A , per R o(\
<br />•
<br />14. Utttiz.►Uon ot Small or Mlnorlty Dir:!•
<br />hute or aas ik•ater of ex
<br />iq?Qth_
<br />Od~
<br />ayn
<br />n~m
<br />16. Covenani Attirtsl L`or.UnRCnt F'ces
<br />10 Oratulltca
<br />~ V,-C2Ar8d cok, !or po on an trrat- '
<br />\ mc t ot s it ot trwat voium 17. Fitenta
<br />V;-Vol~t con ibuUo ftvmuxr r 1t- COPYrtYhta uid illthu tii U►ca
<br />\4 nlt ol ltns.
<br />~ V,- lum• ntriD loo frnpn all c~~•L
<br />\ uu ptr tt ol s. \ (a) TAe omer and lAe cnalnret ASrCe lhat
<br />f~; Oda \eoat ttr♦ ent ur.l of Lhr toqovln= provlsbru aptiiy to the EF'A
<br />\ ~lochenyetl o-[en de }nd ( ► D), lnnltllYlble worR Co t>,: pcrlormed undcr
<br />` f3 - TcW BOQ con Dut}on m R1:,srr per\ thli asrcerarnl and lhat iuch provlslons au•
<br />unt~p f tlm! ` ptroede any cunfllctltv proclsloris of thls
<br />Il,\,, Tola~OD~Qntr1D foa tr sll L al- ~Crrerr.~nG
<br />~r 1 Ll(U) 'nce *url under Lhla tgrKCirnl V
<br />\FI-Cot~en on o EO fiom 1,~ndcd ln ptirt by ~ rruri !rorn thc U.3. k:n•
<br />abotl,a Du level, vlronmental }'roterUon A¢rnry. Nclther tl~c
<br />t5, OdcM tqst fo rr►tait~t of uril~ s. Unlltd 8tatrf not the U.B. klivtronmental
<br />nded ~ld~. F'rotrctlon Atrncr (hcrcfnatter, "F:I•A") L ~
<br />~~5,•'T~J ~utiKnd wti t.n butla , D~Y to thD erreemrnt. 7'hla •arC~•m•nt
<br />~ Ir uaer r unt t ttm \ a hlch coven Qrant•e11¢ihle F~urk la suhJrcl
<br />S-~txe ~ aUoq &3 ~m a cr ►Dbpe a to feNlatlons contatned ln 40 CFR 33.93E,
<br />~ b e ltr \ , 35.931, and 35.939 In e(frrt on the date n!
<br />~r ' exccutlon ot th;i agmmenl. A.+ uxd In
<br />~P,-U Z1 cua o► trca ent~t► un.t of a.nr\
<br />\ these claiuri, the aurci~ "the Anlr of eat~cu•
<br />Y\ joWitr! Uon anlj poliut~nl tion of thls aRrrcmcnl" riruo Iht dete o(
<br />~ (f~m a r pcr Il 01 t'T a. ~ c=ecutlon nf thls aarctmrnt an l kny auAz•
<br />~ Quent maflllr-wtion o/ thc lern1n, cumtlrnr•n
<br />r` 'co tu~ «~r ~u i o. ~qr vot~~c.nc
<br />o
<br />un,;-:r•
<br />\fromux~ per t o( t!n ~ Uon oT scope o( tcrvlcrs pcrtin~•nl (1)
<br />P~CQncen sUon f lluta~ fro~, a totmccS~ork.
<br />aDot~t~a e~s1 (c) The ovner'a tl¢hta and remedl~•a pro-
<br />~ ~ vided tn lhex cfsusP.a ►re In rddlUon Lo any
<br />) M Na~j. It ltea rnt wo~j.i L olher tlthti and remcdJea provlJcd by law
<br />~\Pr1• t7 Q*nde ot tne Dbp, or thL agrcemrnt
<br />pc cd r di. 00 oth po11 t co tb,
<br />~ ce tr, d arC by tucrf ~re ap-\. ALSn'n81111uTt or nie u+cInnI
<br />P ro is eQu tht uset c a1-tes C~n be (a) TTu tntineer wh►i! De rcsporLalble fot
<br />'~vel a vo e ls !n 4ccordltxe the profeulonai QuoLilty, technknl att-uruy,
<br />r tt ttidl belo Llmsly comal.llon, ►nd lhe conrttlnatlon of
<br />~ ~ C~ \ a11 deaitti, drawln¢s, tperlflcatlons. re;wrts,
<br />~ and otncr arrvlm (urnlshr4 by the en¢I-
<br />(1) il'~ 1 Z. ien OD, uapcndcd ncer unAer thV arreYmrnl. The enelnrrr
<br />w ol~ oth V. tJ,nl\porx~ lntfottr shall, althlol~ ufditional mmixnuUon, tur•
<br />frortt ~a tt~exce lA ee~pt cor~centr►-\ rect or nvtae any errnr-e, omtailorv~, ot othcr
<br />on o! thcat ilu nta t~orr?~1 domcstfc deflclencia tn hla dtulrtu, drnaings, opxc1t!-
<br />alqare\~ surr rce Ocd a tuae eharQr, eatlorta, reporL, anA othrr urvkts.
<br />~ calhNlal4 y m na o od2l No. 1, cin D( (b) Thc en[Inccr sna11 pcrfnrtn auch pro-
<br />YfV)fQ 7Te urch rc Ge ~pmputed by • fertonaJ servfces u mny be necesauy Co ~.c•
<br />t m 1 bc ~ \ oompllih the aork rc~ulrcd to be {xrformed
<br />(D )48, )tP. ))V, tu~afar thti ~nement, tn acn~-cfance alth
<br />~ \ Lh3a a¢rcetcient and appilcable F.YA rcQulre-
<br />d J. l~ el t! om .pnl) ' men4 M effect on ths datt ot exccutlon of
<br />.0
<br />cil d l "qu Uty uallt orm thL wocmcit
<br />C, V. II.H„ +.P. (c) 7T* o+mer's or CPA's approval of
<br />drawtnp. d ltxldrnta~l er~tneerin[cwo'rk orrm~e i•
<br />\h) oru rafto .Quarstjtr Ln
<br />unla e vohUne n v'hj nnt Dt ala turnlahcd hrrrunder ah•II not tn uiy
<br />~eaee bla, "s Itlcu nan1 `~rono.\ vay tellcre the entinrcr ol rrR~nslbUll)
<br />lc~lea ecal ahotlid bt por cd W►11 tor Lhe trchnlcal adcauncy of hla wort. Ncf-
<br />uDcn or r &ssQ\ \ tner the owmcr's nor EI'A's rcrkw, approval
<br />Uur vt mi}\De a G!!ah Duc'4 or aoccptarxr of, rwr Tuyment (or, uir of
<br />on '\yeralat~( tn4eh~.Yp~e tor pstrt Lhe mcrvlcre ahall be cort~lrueA to oycrate
<br />uuse bjil~ 1,~~~he ~tha hlc.r tharje a aolver of uty rl~hU unAer thla nifrerrnent
<br />ti
<br />44091
<br />or ot uiy cXuu oJ 1160100 utalnt out of the
<br />prrtormsrxe ut thts ►grerrrxnt
<br />fdl The entilnett ahall be and aRall nrualn
<br />11eA1e, in Lccordance vilh aDDilcs01e lat, !or
<br />s11 drmLtea to lhe orncr or Et'A uused Dr
<br />the enclneer's notlltml performanes of an7
<br />of tAe aervku furnlshed under th1+ ayrea
<br />mrnt, excrDt tor errors, omlaaforu ot otheT
<br />detkleeclca to the etient attrt0utable lo We
<br />ovner, ovneT•furni,hed Wa or any llilrG
<br />parly. Tht englneer ahLll not De rrlGOrulDla
<br />lOr NY ll7Ttt dtllyJ II1 Lh0 pf0)KC Cati80Q Dr
<br />clrcumstancn DeyonC the englncur's can•
<br />trol. Where lnnov►llv• proccu" nr t.och•
<br />nlaues (eee 40 CFFi I5.901) are rceocunend•
<br />t6 by CAe tnQlntet and are used. the ent'~-
<br />t
<br />necr shail De llable oniy for ernv neqll;ence
<br />lo the ezlent ol iuth ujs.
<br />, a, acon or rvo:c
<br />The aervtca to De C,rforn:cd Cy the en:1•
<br />ncer xhall 1nc►ude L11 servkp rcputred to
<br />cnmpiete the lask or Step ln a-cordanq
<br />Mith appilcabte EPA rc[ulatloriA (10 CF'ft
<br />Fart JS, IIuApvt E tn effcct on the dale of
<br />exMUllon of lhL agrermcnt) to Lhe <:tent
<br />of the acopx of ■ork u de(lrud " set out
<br />ln lhe enlrlneorlng aervlus aCTeerntnt l.o
<br />which theso provtsloru are attuhed.
<br />4. cxurcu
<br />(a) Tlu ovner mny, at anr Ume, br wr1C•
<br />ten ordcr, maYe chuueY wilhln the [eneril
<br />sr-otx ot thli ac►rement ln the xrvkxr or
<br />vork to be Derforsnrd Il tucli changoa cat:ae
<br />an IncrrLae or decreue in lhe entlnerr'i
<br />coat n(, or llme reputred (or, per(or.n►rut ol
<br />anr srrvtces under thls a;,reemcnt, whcther
<br />ur not ehanRed b/ o.ny order, ui eQUI!.abic
<br />iLd)ustmenl ihW be m►Ae and th4 aerea
<br />ment &hal1 be modlffed ln vrltinp accordtnr•
<br />lY. The enzlncer must a+Aert Any cl.im !or
<br />►dJuaunrnt un4cr thli claust ln writlnc
<br />:1lthln IO days froin the data ot reeelpt by
<br />the tn¢Ineer of lhe nottflcatinn of ehange,
<br />unlens Uie oa•ner tranta a (urther perlod of
<br />tlme txtore lhe date of tlnal paynient tuidrr
<br />thla affTcrmcnt.
<br />l01 No aervlccs for vhlch tn addlifonsl
<br />comTxruatton vIU be char¢ed by the enrt•
<br />nerr anill be furnli-hed .Ithout the vrrit:cn
<br />wtnortzaUon ot the owmer.
<br />(c) In che eveni that there Va moCillca•
<br />llon ot EFA requlrtmen4 relaUrug eo the
<br />Rcrvtces to be performcd undcr thls Krac-
<br />ment atter the date ot executton oi thU
<br />srrcemeiit, the lncressed or docrcued cast
<br />o( prrformsnce ot th♦ services provided for
<br />In thit a¢rrrmenl ilhall be reflectcd lr: ►n
<br />•PPropriate modl(lcatlon of thLs iirrceruenl.
<br />S. ncawtxano•
<br />(a) F:ither p►rty may Lcrminate thta arrc
<br />merit, Lwi wAole or ln pu't, tn ar1Unil, t! ltie
<br />olher pnrtT wOstantis.llr lalla Lo fuUill lu
<br />obligntloru unAer this arrcemcnl throuty
<br />no (ault o( lhe terminaUng party. ifovever,
<br />no such tcrminatlon may De effrcled unleu
<br />lhe other party ta gtven (1) not lccs Lh►n cen
<br />(10) ulendar daya wrltten notlcs (belive:ed
<br />Dr eerilflcd roall, return receiDt reQUesteC)
<br />ot lntent co t,erminate and (1) an oDDatCunl-
<br />ly for cocwultaUw arith th• tc:mlrsilnd
<br />ptrty before lertnDiaUon.
<br />(b) 'Iha owmer may termlrutc chL arrce-
<br />mrnt, tri wholc or ln part, ln rrlttn8, far lGs
<br />convcnfenoe, !f Che terminallon V tor rood
<br />catue tatKh aa /or letal or flnuutal ;eawrv,
<br />m0ot chan¢rA in the rork or Drocr►rA rc-
<br />Qulrertunts, InttLUon of a nt+v etcp) and thc
<br />eniln«t l+ [Iven (l) not leu lhnn tun U01
<br />cal; ndwr diy■ wrltttn notlu (,Sc(Jvcred Dy
<br />MERAI ttG41T4$, VOI, tt k0. t0i-to'[DfHSpAY, i(►iEtA6ER 7f, 1978
<br />