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art II. ENGINEERING CHAIZGES <br />A. In accordance witti the Terms and Conditions of this <br />ugreement, thc l:rigi.neer shall pravide professional <br />servi.ces fer wliicli the Uwner sha11 compensate the <br />En~inccr_ as follows: <br />A.l. }3asic 5ervices - As defined in Section II-B (Design <br />I'hase) and Section VI--D (Special Assignments) of <br />tre original agreement. <br />A.l.l All employees tinte at their payroll hourly rate. <br />A.1.2 Gost of services of other professional consultants <br />at the amount billed to the Engineer by the profes- <br />sional consultaiits for such services. <br />A.1.3 The Ent ineer's actual current, annual allowable indirect <br />cost Trniltiplier tinus tlie total dirc.actly cYiargeable payroll rate <br />Lo rein-ibursc, the 1;nbit-)eer for all of his indirect cost. This <br />ci~~r.zifieci aiidited r;ultiplier i-s 104.6% for 1979. <br />A.2. Initial Paymeiit - Execution of this Agreement shall <br />be accompanied by an initial payment by the Owner of <br />$4,581, which shall be credited to the Owner's <br />account. <br />A.3. Reimbursable Expenses - As defined in Article 4, <br />times a niultiplier of one (1.0) . <br />A.4. Engineer's Scrv_ice C,h.xge - In addition to the Engineer being <br />rcimli(ir:;ccl his "G)sL" as sct forth lr_rein, he shall be paid a <br />Fixed Service G'ti<uf;e to ccxlipensate him for his pmfessional <br />sei-vice_s ~iki Lu1s11owable indirect business cost. <br />Part III. TERNIS AND CONDITIONS <br />Article 1. Engiileers Services <br />I.I. Basic Services - The Engineer agrees to perform <br />professional services in connection with the Project, <br />as set forth below and contained wi.r_hin this Agreement. <br />Anv 1 inc i tem cos t in segments 1 arrl 2, may be <br />exceedcd prov idecl t 1 ic gn and to t al "cos t re ~mbur senent rn t-to- <br />excecd" i s no t (2xccecled witlbut an-enr1 ing this Agreement. <br />The Lngineer agrees to perform erofessi.onal services <br />in connection with the project including normal civil, <br />structural, mectianical, electrical, architectural, tech- <br />Tlical and adnunistrative services related thereto as set fortti <br />bclow a)d contaiii<,cl witliin tllis Agreement. <br />1.1.1 Consult with the Owner to ascertain the Owner's re- <br />quirement for tlie Pro ject . <br />-2- <br />