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1 = 20' double plan/profile for city street locations <br />and 1" = 40' single plan/profile for open areas. All <br />elevations shall be USGS datum. Al1 on-the-ground <br />surveys shall bc third order control. All sites shali <br />have at least one coristruction cont~Iol benchmark and all <br />lines shall have one such control euery 1,500 feet. <br />Line on-the-ground surveys shall be along the planned <br />center line on 100 feet intervals plus intermediate <br />points.of significant change with ground topography <br />25 feet either side thereof. He shall provide aerial <br />and topographic maps of all sites, plus 100 feet out- <br />side the boundaries thereof, and all access roads. <br />He shall provide the necessary drainageway crass sec- <br />tions at each site to permit the Corps of Engineers to <br />determine the site's respective floodplain elevation. <br />He shall secure the necessary affected parties per- <br />mission to perform tt1P_Se surveys as well as any soil and <br />test borings. He shall transfer all fi.eld information <br />to ttie drawings and plan/profile sheets, in ink. He <br />shall compile all project benchmark data. He will rely <br />on existing records of the City, power, telephone, gas, <br />oil, and T.V. eompanies for other buried utiliti`es and <br />pipelines and shall not be obligated to uncover or <br />field locate same. He shall use existing sewer ease- <br />rnents wherever practicable. <br /> Aerial Plans (Eligible) - The Engineer shall have aerial <br />photographs flovniof the entire project aeras to <br />appropriate scales. All aerialsshall be reproduced <br />on the reverse side o£ My1ar sheets. All aerial photos <br />shall be "uncontrolled", but Flown at such altitudes to <br />produce zi 1rorizont:al tolerance of not more than 80 feet <br />pe:- 30 inches oi plan. Engineer :,hall layout "windows" <br />on 9" x 9" contacts of the appropriate sections of the <br />aerials to be enlarged for plan purposes. He shall <br />provide project indexes of enlarged aerials as is <br />appropri.ate for the project. He shall provide aerial <br />enlargements for all lines, sites, and access roads. <br />Sites and access road aerials shall be to appropriate <br />scales. <br /> Soil Tests and t3orings (Eligible) - The Engineer shall <br />have performed ten soil borings on the sewage treatment <br />plant site anci one on each of the lift station sites in <br />the vicinity oF the major treatment unit structure_and <br />laboratory analyzed to determine the.soil bearing values <br />for the.structures. The Engineer shall rely on the data <br />so obtained in establishing design soil bearing values. <br />F'urther, each interceptor line in low-lying areas, shall <br />have borings, as appropriate, to a depth not to exceed <br />25 feet to gain limited information on groundwater con- <br />ditions, and soil structure, but these borings are not <br />to be analyzed bearin4, value and movement due to change <br />in moisture conteilt. The maximum number of line borings <br />shall not exceed 28. <br />-4 - <br />