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hearing in the (:ity oC Paris, to present the <br />cliarges to tlW ri.tiretls. Ile shall malce <br />any adjustments requested by the City Council as a <br />result of the hearing. Ile shall pregare revenue/ <br />expense projections using the approved USC and antici- <br />pared project inlprovements. Ile shall file the <br />approved study with ttle appropriate regulatory agencies. <br />Ile shall comply with CG-220 (Rev. 11-30-78). <br /> Boundary Survey and Landowners (Ineligible) - The <br />Engineer sllall have the Wastewater Treatment Plant, six <br />lift statioris, aiid access road sites property corners <br />established on the ground. Ile shall furnish the names <br />of the property owners, and prepar.e the necessary <br />plates and descriptive field notes. He shall not <br />prepare the deeds or leases. <br /> Easements (Ineligible) - The Engineer shall prepare <br />descriptive field notes and depict same on plates for <br />up to 100 tracts of land. Ile shall furnish the names <br />of the property owners. He shall not prepare the formal <br />easements. A11 required on-the-ground surveys shall <br />be £urnished by the City. . <br /> Permits (Ineligible) - The Engineer shall prepare the <br />detailed highway and railroad crossing permit applica- <br />tions for the Uwner's execution. He shall submit said <br />permits to the appropriate entities, and coordinate <br />the processing of same on behalf of Owner. He shall <br />not pay any permit fees. <br /> Compliarice Assistance (Eligible) - The Engineer shall <br />assist the CiLy in meeting the project's EPA Region VI <br />goals of 14% to 16% rlinority Business Enterprise <br />participatian. Ile shall solicit i.nrerest from all <br />such firms, prepare and furnish to all interested <br />firms requests for proposal for the selected areas of <br />participation. Ile shall pravide any interested firm <br />with technical assistance to prepare its RFP. All <br />proposals shall be on the "cost reimbursement not-to- <br />exceed plus a fixed fee" basis. He shall evaluate all <br />proposals received ancl recommend selection on the <br />basis of the lowest responsive responsible proposer. <br />Ile shall prepare letters of intent to contract. Upon <br />the City's acceptaiice of its Step 2 grant offer, the <br />Engineer shall prepare and have executed formal con- <br />tracts or subcantracts for the solicited services. It <br />i.s estimated that $6,846 ot the Engineer's cost will <br />be incurred prior to award of the Step 2 grant. He <br />shall not be liable for the performance of the MBE. <br /> Records aiid Accounts (Eligible) - The Engineer shall <br />review all expenditures of project funds, and shall <br />assist the Owner in maintaining all expenditure records <br />on this project. Ile shall furnish a final summary of <br />the project cost. Ile shall maintain all his eost <br />-6- <br />