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,rm zoozi 10/74 <br />PZPE LINE LICENSE <br />THIS INSTRUMIId'i', executed in duplicate, OctoiJer , 19' 0 , WITNF<SSETH: <br />The undersigned Garrier hereby grazits, but on solely the herein expressed terms and <br />corxditions, an3 the uriaersigned Licensee Z cor,.;or<, t i on, <br />(irdividual, copartners or corp, & statn where incorporated) <br />to be a. d drPSSe d a t . u. Go;; 1{)_, 7, >':~r i s, Tc;:,~s, <br />hereLy a,ccepts, per-~uissian ta install, keep, mai.ntairy repair, renew and use foi• conveying <br />the Licerisee's own c:Y ri, certain l. ro,;el<:~i <br />(number) (propasad or er.isZirip) <br />continuous line of "ti'C pipe i r;ch,- i.n diameter, and appurtenances, <br />irdcluding Ii;'' stcel u..:Ein9, ~G' lrng , he.rein ca1]_ed Pipe I,ine, on <br />the Cazrier's property, herein called Pi°emises. Pipe Line ;,rill be used to tr-•w:;;r>r; <br />potabl c .:ater <br />Pipe Line shall intersect Carrier's existinb <br />tr=,cl~ , :~.~i; t 19i i~ Fo~ . E:t).~`,~, <br />(track or right of way) <br />m „ " L:-rn, r at ;ox,a:~', ~ r i s <br />~county ;(4rpAtj;Nb) (state) (place) <br />. <br />Approxi.mate location of Pipe Line is indicated by line on <br />Exhibit Aattaciied hereto as part hereof. <br />l. Licensee shall at all ti.mes keep Fipe I,ine in goo3 state of All work t>y <br />Licensee hereunder shall be performed in a safe and workmnnlike manner. Licensee shall <br />fLrnish or do at LicPnsee's own cast and responsibility a.ny and a11 things and when an.d <br />as f.rom t,o time required to accomplish whatsoever trie Licensee at;te:npts or is bourA <br />ta d.o at any time hereursder. Licensee shall acijust Fipa Line to any physical change as <br />made at any tirnze in any of Carrier's propertyy; at all. ti.mes keeping upper surface af Pipe <br />Line at ieast five and one-half feet belcw bcttom of rail thereover. <br />Licensee shali cause Fipe Li-ne, before being used for szlythinb inflamTna.ble, to con.form <br />substantialZy to Exhibit B attached hereta as part hereof. Sai.r3 things, incluuing the <br />'Uime and man.ner of doing any wark-, each shall con:forzn -to t'rie requiremf~nts of Carrier as <br />we?1 as of any State, Federal or Municipa.l. author3_ty.. Carrier ma.y acting f'or Licensee <br />f urnish car da, Licensee shall pay and bea.r the cost of, which, herein required <br />of Licensee at any ti.rcv, either shall not be furr:iskied or done within teri days following <br />u~.rrier's writteai request tYlerefor or sha1.1 be undertakcr by Carrier at Licensee's request; <br />3rid Licensee on r.equest shall in advance deposi.t with Ca.rrier the estimated cost thereof. <br />I£ deposit be less than actual cost, Licensee shall pay tht: difference; if more, Carrier <br />sha11 repay difference. <br />Licensee when returning this license (signed) shall pay to Carrier ; iv, <br />c3cl.lars f'or the 1.icense granted herein. Any other payznent shall be made wi.thin twenty <br />davs fo.ilowing of bill. Licensee shall pr.iy cost to Carr:ier for a1? 1.abor, includ- <br />ing wages of foremen, cosv of material f.o.b. Carriei°'s rai.1s plus freight at tariff r.ates <br />to point of use, plus taxes and usual railroad a.dditives. P1o provisior,s cf' tYiis paragraph, <br />nor approval by Carrier Of ariy cf Licensee's underi;akings, shal.l reiieve Licensee of any <br />responsibility or liability. <br />2. Licensee agreev to (a) indemnif.y and save harmless the Gax•rier .from and against <br />all c1aims, suits, damages, cost,s (iricluding attorneys' .fees), lo:;se;, an:i expenses, in any <br />manner resulting fx•om or arising out of or i.n ccnnection With the iaying, maintenance. <br />renewal, r.epair, use, existence or removal of FiI7e, including the breaking of <br />same or any leakage therefrom, and (b) a,sume a.ll risk of loss or,ge t.o Pipe Line and <br />the contexats thereof regasdless af how caused anc.t regar3.less af any negligence on the <br />pa.rt of Carrier, or <br />_ 1 _ <br />EXHIBIT A to RESOLUTION NO. 2069 <br />