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C ITY BLOCK 252, LOT 32 <br />Situated within the corporate limits of the City of <br />Par-is, Lamar County, Texas, a part of the Larkin Rattan <br />Sur,iey, and being a part of Lot 32, City Block 252, which <br />was described in deed from R.A. Williams and wife, Bessie <br />L. Williams, to Carter R. Hutto and wife, Eva Hutto, dated <br />Au~-,ust 5, 1957, Recorded Book 355, Page 55, Deed Records, <br />Lamar County, Texas, anJ being more pa rticularly described <br />as follows: <br />BEGINNZNG at trie Northwest corner of said Lot 32, <br />a stake, the center of concrete culvert or branch 17o feet <br />North of the NB line of Polk Street; <br />THENCE East alon;; +he NB 1ine of said Lot 32 a distance <br />of 20 feet; <br />THENCE Soutr,, para11e1 r,ne WB line of Lot 32 a distance <br />of 95.9 feet; <br />THENCE South 23° 27' East a distance of S9.06 feet, to the <br />NB line of Polk Street; <br />THENCE North 870 51' West alon,7 the NB line of Polk St. <br />a distance of 55.7 feet; <br />THENCL North alon; the WB line of said Lot 32 a distance <br />of 176 i ee 4 o the point of be,;inninm, and containin; 0.114 <br />acres of land, more or less. <br />EXHIBIT A <br />