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CITY BLOCK 252, LOT 33 <br />Situated within the corporate limits of the City of <br />Paris, Lamar County, Texas a part of the Larkin Rattan <br />Survey, and being a part of Lot 33, City Block 252, which <br />was described iri deed from Dovie Rivers and others to <br />James A. Simmons and wife, Mary A. Simmons, dated Ju1y 20, <br />1979, Recorded Book 615, Pal(-e 974, Deed Records, Lamar <br />County, Texas, and bein;; more particularly described as <br />follows : <br />BEGINNING at a stake in the NB Iine of said Lot 33, <br />the center of concrete culvert or branch; <br />THENCE West a1on~; the NB line of said Lot 33 a dis- <br />tance of 20 feet; <br />THENCE South 54.2 feet; <br />THENCE South 230 27' East 50.3 feet to a point in <br />said Lot 33 EB line; <br />THENCE North with said Lot 33 EB line a distance of <br />100.3 feet to trie point of beginning, and containing 0.035 <br />acres of land, more or less. <br />