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BLOCK 17, LOT b <br />Situated withiri the corporaLe limits of the City of Paris, <br />Lamar County, Texas a part of the Larkin-Rattan Sur.ey, and <br />bein,-,r%Lot 6, Block 17, Gibbons-Braden Addition to the City of <br />`Paris, Texas, whicn was described in deed from Felipe M. Moreno <br />and wife Jerry Ann Moreno to Ray V. Barnett and wife Shirley R. <br />Barnett., dat.ed July 28, 1977, Recorded Book 593, Paoe 405, Deed <br />Records, Lamar County, Texas, and bein~ more particularly des- <br />cribed as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point, same bein~ the NE corner of said <br />Lot o; <br />THENCE West wi`h tr,e NB line of said Lot Ij a distance of <br />35 feet; <br />THENCE South 21° 06' East a distance of 44.0- feet; <br />THENCE South 12.4 feet to a point in the SB line of said <br />Lot 6; <br />THENCE East witr) the SB line of said Lot 6 a distance of <br />20 feet to the SE corner of said Lot 6; <br />THENCE North alon~; the EB line of said Lot 0 a distance <br />of 54 feet to the NE corner of said Lot e, the point of beginning, <br />and containin-1-9-012-&---acres of land more or less. <br /> <br />