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BLOCK 17, LOT 7 <br />Situated within the corporate limits of tre City of Paris, <br />Lamar County, Texas a part of the Larkin-Rattar. Survey, and <br />~k 7, Block 17, Gibbons-Braden Addition to the City of <br />Paris, Texas, which was described iri deed from Ray V. Barnett <br />and wife, Shirley R. Barnett t:o Iva Mae Laster, dated October <br />21, 1970, Recorded Book 519, Pa,;e ~+59, Deed Records, Lamar <br />County, Texas, and bein:; more particularly described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point in the NB 11ne of Cedar Street, same <br />, the SE corner of said Lot 7, the center of a concrete <br />beinF <br />ditch or waterway; <br />THENCE Nortn with the EB line of said Lot 7, a distance <br />of 52 feet to the NE corner of said Lot 7; <br />THENCE West alon; the NB line oi said Lot 7, a distance <br />of 20 feet; <br />THENCE South a distance of 52 feet to a point in the SB <br />line of said Lot 7, same beinF, the NB line of Cedar Street; <br />THENCE East witY: tr,e SB line of said Lot 7, a distance <br />of 20 feet to the point of be`;innir.; and containir.g-4-.~ acres <br />of land, more or less. <br />, . <br />