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Emergency Medical TEChnician (EMT) basic training course with- <br />in six (6) months from date of ernployr.lent; that all persons <br />driving equipment used as aMbulances rnust have a valid State <br />of Texas Chauffeur's License, with one attendant on each ambu- <br />lance being EMT cE.rtified by the State Board of Health and <br />Special Skills certified in airway management, intravenous <br />therapy, and Mast trousers by January l, 1982. <br />4. City agrees ta nrovided State of Texas Certified EMT <br />Course, and to possess an in-service training pxogram agree- <br />nent with one or both of the lacal hosUitals. <br />5. City agrees that each vehicle used as an ambulan.ce <br />sha11 be equipped with a two-way radio which transmits and <br />receives on frequencies designated by the FCC. Ttie radio <br />communications to and from said ambula.nces and <br />dispatch shall be in coordination with and by the <br />knowledge of the Lamar County SherifIl's Office and the Paris <br />PoliLe Department, and McCuistion and St. Joseph, each hospital <br />furnishing its own radio equinment which must meet all require- <br />ments for the State Medical Services Cornmunicatian System <br />attached hereto as Exhibit A. <br />6. City agrees that all vehicles used for emergency <br />service will meet or exceed Amer.dment -1 of Fed. Spec. KKK-A-1822 <br />attached hereta as Exhibit B, and meet the minimal equipment <br />listed on Exhibit C attached hereto, and that all ambulances <br />and aceessory equipment shall be subject to inspectian by desig- <br />nated representative of the County, and if at any time same are <br />not in compliance with the provisians hereof, or if any ambu- <br />lance is in need of inechanical repairs in order to insure its <br />satisfactory operation, the said vehicle must be removed from <br />service. <br />