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In the case of personal property - an individual loeation wherein <br />an owner.conducts the sale of <br />goods or services. <br />. <br />~ <br />It is anticiapted that there are approximately six thousand seven hundred <br />(6700) parcels af property within the North lamar Independent School District. Should <br />the actual number be proven to be more or less than the estimated six thousand <br />seven hundred, then the final payment due under the terms of this Contract shall be <br />adjusted based on the actual number of parcels multiplied by the per parcel cast*of <br />$13.85. <br />8. <br />The amount due from the Distr°ict under the pravisions of this Contract <br />shall be payable as follows: <br />A. Using as the anticipated total.amount af NINETY TW4 7HOUSRND SEVEN <br />HUNDRED RldO NINETY FIVE DOLLaRS ($92,795), an amount ot fifiteen per cent (15%) sfiall <br />be held out until said Contract is completedy said completion date ta be July 1, 1980. <br />Said amount, being approximately THIRTEEtd THOUSAND NINE F{UNDREE} AND FIFTEEN DOLLARS. <br />($13,915) shall then be.paido The balance of the Contract, being the remaining <br />eighty five (85%) per cent o r SEVENTY EIGHT THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED RND EIGNTY DOLLARS <br />($78,880) shall b@ paid in seventeen equal payments of FQl1R TNO1151!ND SIX NUNDRED AND FORTY DOLLARS ($4640)9 the first.payment being due en February 1, 1979, and the <br />succeeding sixteen payments being due the first of each manth until the total amount.; <br />of the contract is paid in full. ,6. Shou1_d other tax entities wish;to enter inta an:;agreement for the <br />participation in the equalization programy"the Distr°ict and the'Company may.ente►^:;._: <br />into other agreements providing for the payraterat of any additional charges as_ <br />described in Paragraph 3 of this Contract. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we execute this Cpntract on_the ~ day af , <br />December. 1978. 4 <br />: . . TRUSTEESB IdORTN,l:aM1R-FND£PENUENF SCFtQOL`;:DISTRICi <br />~ , w - . _ . - f :~lt ~1~ 5 ~ ~~fM\H V' 'C:" ,y 4.~ :...Ii r. ' . <br />. . . 4 •11. ~ ( /i 1 ~ X. <br />{ ) f'"ty S 3"A~`ty_ . U .p 3 <br />. . , ~71 <br />} ~ . , _ . st _ ,t, ~ ' ' x <br />. , s{ aent ~ . . _ . <br />ATTEST: : ~ , . . <br />ATTEST. <br />~ - ~ <br />ASSOCTATED TAX SERVICES, INC. <br />