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classes of P.roPerty assessed and valued for taxation in said Qistrict. The Company <br />- * <br />shall compile such taxation data and information as shall be of aid and benefit <br />to the Board of Equalization of said District in accomplishing the foregoing. <br />A. This Contract is not intended to be, and sha11 not be deemed to <br />be, a tax ferret contract, it being the intention of the parties that the Trustees do <br />not desire to and do not obligate the Companya and Company does nat desire ta and is <br />not obligated, to ferret out, locate, identify or discover any properties to be <br />added to the tax ro11s of said District. It is agreed that the only praperties <br />to be added to the tax rolls (rendered and unrendered) af said District will be _ <br />those placed thereon by the Tax Assessor- of said District, and that the only <br />properties within the classes of property subject to the terms of this Contract <br />which shall be appraised by Company under the terms thereaf, shall consist af <br />properties presently appearing on the tax rolls of said District, or hereafter <br />assessed for° taxes and placed on said rolls by the Tax Assessor of said District. <br />Nowever, in the event-that Company9 during the caurse-.of the performance of the <br />services provided for hereunder, locates,.identifies or discovers any property . <br />which is not on the tax rolls, Company agrees to provide the.Tax p.ssessor af said <br />District with the available informatian relating tFiereto. <br />Bo It is not the intention of the parties hereto, and particular1y <br />not the intention of the 7rusteeg of the North Lamar° Ind€pendent Schoal District, <br />Lamar County, Texasn to invade or°.usurp the powers of the Tax Assessor of said <br />Di stri ct, the Trustees of sai d Di stri ct r@cogrti zi ng that. :i t has. na power, duthori ty, <br />or jurisdiction to make assessments of proper°ties for tax purposes. <br />C. 7he Trustees of the horth Lamar Independent School District, Lamar <br />Caunty, Texas, as par.t.of their deliberations,in the adoptian_of this Cantract, finds <br />that special scientific ski.ll,.knowledge anc#;ability and,scjentfi.fic,and.technical_ <br />equipment are essential to the performance,of the services by,ComPdny under the terms <br />` <br />of thi s Contract, and.;that the empl oyment z4,~~,~~~ ~ CQ~~'s~~~~p~~~~~~ emp~ o~rt~err_j` ~ zZA' <br />of skilled experts in speeial instances. to assist theii $oa~~~,p~; Equalizationof=.the <br />North Lamar Independent School District, LamarCounty~ T~xas,.it~ arriving at.fair, <br />just9 impartial , and equal and uniform valu~.~ions af prapeitje,~ fQ.r,tax purposes'_ 9n <br />said District. : <br /> <br />7, <br />. _ . . . <br />In consideration for the services rendered and to be rendered herein by <br />Company to said Trustees, the,Trustees of the North Lamar Independent School District. <br />Lamar County, Texas, AGREES to pay to Company in Irving, Dallas County, Texas, the <br />sum of NINETY TWO TNOUSRND SEVEN HUNDRED NTNETY FIVE ANQ NOJ100 ($92,795.00) DQLLARS <br />based on $13.85 per property parcel as the maximum amount. <br />For the purposes of this Contract, a parcel of property shall be described. <br />as: - <br />In the case of real estate - a tract of land identified by deed, separate <br />and apart from other property held by any owner <br />and not contiguous with said owners other <br />property. <br />(Contract - paye 6) <br />