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. _ . <br />- - + • , <br />- c • <br />Testimony of such representatives and other services in <br />- support of recommended values shall be made available to <br />the District at no additional cost. Company shall have no <br />obligation to defend values not recomnended by Company. In <br />- the event such case shall be appealed and later remanded for <br />new*trial by an Appellate Court, Company agrees to furnish the same <br />witness at no additional cost to the District. <br />15.. To cooperate with the District in promoting and maintaining good <br />public relations and public education in connection with the <br />valuation program and use whatever media available to inform the <br />public of the plans, aims, and pragress of the Tax Survey. - <br />. Newspaper articles and other publicity vai1T be prepared. The <br />' Company shall, upon request therefor, make available trained <br />speakers to acquaint groups and gatherings with the nature of <br />the project. The Company's audio-visual program will be <br />presented to interested groups or civic arganizations. <br />a <br />, <br />16.. To provide and use the services of competent employees having goad <br />character and sufficient skill and experienee to perform the , <br />work assigned to them proper°lyo 7he Senior Appraiser in charge ` <br />shall have no less than ten (la) years of practical appraisal <br />experience involving extensive commerc.ial, industrial, rural <br />and residential type properties, He sha1l also have a professional <br />designatian in one or more afi the recognized appraisal and va1 uation <br />. disciplines. -It is specifically understood that a11 valuatians <br />will be established and reviewed by thoroughly qualified and - <br />experienced member5 of the permanent staffi af the Gampany. <br />17. 7o furnish a competent member of the firm to explain fully to the_ - <br />Tax Assessor and his staff inimediately delivery of <br />records and data obtained in the appraisal program a11 of the . <br />~ material so deTivered and to instruct tax affice personnel in <br />every,phase of the work: Company sha'! reasQnable : number of half-day instruction sessiops in a11 phases of the <br />work, including use of the property Appraisal Manual, for the <br />Tax Assessor and designated staff members, <br />18. To neither employ nor becomeassociated wjth inany manner or capacity,' any official9-emp,16yee or advi* any palitical- ~ <br />entity that in,any wayt,,.may:,o~°::might. beneffit~fromtk~e ad valarem, <br />tax levy other than the ~art~tr°Act~aal assacI~tio~n.wtth the 7ax ASi~essor. <br />40 Z. ~ t• '9..:-~ ~ ~R~z>.~y"j~,'~~*~ _ <br />. . 1' ..c r. . :,:.a k,-.,,~ :.=~~d ' r { 4 ; <br />With~the exceptianof,those obl~gations rela~G{rtg, to'assistance toe <br />Board of Equalization,Company agrees to,complete-.the s~1ces provided for , -'here~rr <br />on or before the lst day of July, 1980, pr°QUided thatsuch work may begin upon <br />execution of this Contract. It is specificatly understood and agreed between the <br />parties that the time for completion of all services provicted-for herein may be--, <br />extended for such period as Company may or might be stopped or de1ayed for reasons <br />beyond its control, including decisions, or lack of timely declsions, by any participati <br />taxing entities herein which_may or might delay the progress of the work. . <br />6. <br />Company agrees to secure all information possible and available for the <br />use of the Board of Equalization to assist in enabling such Board (1) to determine <br />the proper valuations to be fixed for and upon the properties subject to the terms <br />of this Contract, and (2) to equalize the valuations of the same with a11 other <br />(Contract - page 5) <br />