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<br />. . . . . . .
<br />7,~ .To furnish qualified appraisers to inspect, appraise, and
<br />' evaluate the real property of each principal commercial ~
<br />and industrial plant. Company shall develop schedules for
<br />typical commercial and industrial buildings in a manner
<br />similar to that used for residential buildings and in number
<br />sufficient to value all types and phases of construction.
<br />8. To make a careful investigation of the fair market value
<br />of all classes of land. Data will be seGured covering
<br />fair market sales and will be analyzed, checked, and recorded..
<br />Company will determine basic'front foot, square foot, or
<br />acreage for each parcel, and after examining each parcel in
<br />the field and all facttars affecting value, apply such units
<br />and determine the value of each parcel. The Company will
<br />compute the valuation of each parcel at the reasonable -
<br />fair market valueo -
<br />9. To inspect9 classify, and appraise eaGh tract or ruraT homESite.
<br />All factors of valuation sha11 be cansjdered, inc1uding type
<br />of soil9 typography, productyvity9 sixe and location. Rural
<br />lands shall be classiftied into as many equal and unifarm
<br />values. FQr thase properties which qualify for agricultural
<br />use value as.set out by Statuteor.,the Texas Constitution,
<br />' -Gompany shall develop an agricultural value based an the type
<br />~of soi1,-use, and average productidity of the land.: Where
<br />necessarya market value far record purpases will alsa be given.
<br />10. To provide the services of its experienced and qualified '
<br />personnel to make a final inspection and review in the field
<br />of all land and buildings upon completian of office computations.
<br />7he final inspection and review will take inta.consideratian
<br />any known or apparent changes in the value.'of indjvidual
<br />properties since they were first inspected in order tfiat,~
<br />the f i na1 val ue of al l: pr°saperti es ..wi 11...; farm and equal ,
<br />as of the date of camplet-ion of" the work` ,
<br />11. To assist the Tax Assessor in establishing pracedures to natify
<br />each property owner of the value recommended on his property.
<br />-The.Company will thert.adti°ise the owner a f:-each property, by
<br />: mail, of the: value.-as;};It:5bas beea;-deter'm9ned= and announce the
<br />t.irre and place whent an Linf,ormal ::,revi@w,.w111~~be held.. Company : shall. n~t~discuss°,orr~.,~~ve,~~~;~any ~irajecifons:;~f=:.the~;~ppraisa,~f~~:~~
<br />or 'i ts pragress or.'~osa.l,tr~~ 9~ unt~~ ;:nat~ f~~a~~~ ar~ far i n fai*l;
<br />review is sent to,the;awner of each praperty
<br />. iee~i ng$,, whi ch meetf ngs
<br />12. To,, conduct i n'formal t~a payer , revi ew t~
<br />" sha11' be on"an .i"ndivi64:i•"appointment basis! scheduled by and
<br />through the-Tax -Office~,!Irt~ordert:-to discuss':w,ith any property-~
<br />owner the val ue pl aced,,"~upon.: hi s; property .-;,Such meeti ngs shal 1be conducted within one O.)manth`of'the date of completion~
<br />" of the work and shal(7 ~.be: hel d in _ faci 1-iIi es.. to be provi ded 4y
<br />_ - the Tax Office._
<br />- . . . . , .
<br />13. To furnish competent and experienced personnel to meet with
<br />. the Board'of Equalization, qualified to furnish such expert
<br />testimony as may be required by the Board of Equalizatian at
<br />its meetings. •
<br />14. To supply the services of its qualified representative as an
<br />expert witness in the event of an appeal to the Courts to
<br />support values established by the appraisal in all cases of complaint which might arise following the completion of the work.
<br />(Contract - page 4)
<br />